[ Season 1: Hurry Tape ]

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Tape #31: Hurry

Tape Begins

// The tape begins with Just on the passenger seat in an armored vehicle heading to the cave, riding through the dark Forest with a few cars following behind him. //

{Music Playing: Transgender - Crystal Castles}

// A sense of hope filled Just heart. He spoke to the team on his earpiece, discussing the plan. //


"Alright, Team, uhhh... Ermm... Just gonna call us Team Snow, yeah? I-I don't know... Listen... We have an important mission; to kill a threat before it ever sets foot outside the cave. An unknown Entity is emerging from the cave, a hazardous one that can destroy the town and any other civilization out there. We won't let that happen! The plan is to create a big enough power of light from my God to get rid of it. Got it?! We're the only hope!!!"

// Squad Snow says "Yeah!" loudly, Just smiling underneath his face mask as he looks at the Driver, patting his shoulder. //

"Let's fucking do this."

// The Driver nodded as time passed, finally reaching the cave entrance. Just exited the vehicle along with the rest of his team; the other group stayed back to continue blocking the access with cement. One of the teammates called out to Just. //

Team Snow Member

"Hey! We're running out of cement over here!"

// Just walked up to the member and patted their back. Responding to them. //


"I got a solution."

// Just calls out to his teammates; a few of them were left behind to continue covering the cave entrance. Seven of his teammates huddled next to Just, summoning the bat in his hand as it was embedded with light. //

"Alright, put your guns and knives together."

// His teammates do as they are told, putting their guns and knives together as Just closes his eyes; moments later, he opens them as he finds himself alone in the dark. His breathing was shaky, and he looked around to see nothing but darkness. Just called out to God. //

"My Lord! I ask for Your help; please, we will be destroyed without You!"

// Silence. Just began to wander in the dark plane of existence, hearing footsteps echoing in the space. Moments later, a blinding light caused Just to put his hand out, seeing a light ray emerging from the sky and hitting Just body. He closed his eyes, tears forming and flowing down his cheeks as he spread his arms. Just cries out to God. //

"You've helped me time and time and again. When I felt that all hope was lost and that the cold air of Death was brushing my body, soon to take me, You gave me hope. It's You who helped me face the horror within Soren's Mind. I ask You, God, to help me. To fight off this new threat."

// Silence. Just yells out to God, begging Him. //


// The light ray glows brighter as Just slowly gets down on his knees, embracing the light as a fierce wind blows at him. A vision of Just performing a gesture flashes within his mind, summoning the bat into his hand as he takes his cross necklace off with the other hand, slowly gliding the cross against the bat. He returned to reality, performing the gesture in real-time as he opened his eyes; more tears poured out. Just gently touched his teammate's weapons with his bat, the light spreading throughout their guns as they were now embedded with light. Just teammates were in shock, having hope as they tried to get used to the burning sensation that Just once felt. Just stood across the cave entrance, speaking on his earpiece, wanting to check in on Jelen. //

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