[ Season 1: Missing Tape ]

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Tape #33: Missing

Tape Begins

{Music Playing: Goodbye to a World - Dendipappey}

// Just was under a pile of rubble with one of his legs trapped underneath, the music sounding broken and distorted. The Goo waterfall once in the center of the cave wasn't there anymore, the sound of mutated Goo creatures exiting the cave. The Entity followed them behind as It was fully formed into a giant being, crawling on all fours as It squeezed Its way into the tight corridor. Just slowly gained consciousness as he found himself underneath the rubble of debris;  looking down at his leg caught underneath the rocks and sobbing quietly. He was in pain, being too weak to do anything. Bēlua's voice rang in his ears. //


"Just, what the hell happened?! Is this part of your God's plan? We've fucking lost!!!"

// Sophismae tries to calm Bēlua down. //


"Hey! Don't talk to him like that! He didn't know this was going to happen; look at him. He's hurting."

// While Sophismae and Bēlua were arguing, Whisper appeared beside Just, kneeling as he looked down at his leg caught underneath the rubble of rocks. Whisper spoke to him, disappointed. //


"Who would've thought... Your God betrayed us."

// Just shook his head in disbelief, groaning in pain as he tried to move the rock off his leg. //


"N-No... He didn't... He has a plan. He must. There must be a reason for this. Everything has a reason."

// Whisper sees Just struggling to remove the rock, shaking his head as he walks away into the darkness. //

"H-Hey... Whisper, where are you going...? What the hell has gotten into him? Now he's acting differently with me?"

// Just called out Bēlua, Sophismae, and Quiesco. //

"I'm too weak to do anything. Can any of you help me?"

// Silence is all that he heard. He sighed, looking up at the exposed ceiling, and seeing the voidless endless night sky. Just felt defeated.

"D.E.F.E.A.T won... He fucking won..."

// In the distance, he saw something flashing on the inky floor; squinting his eyes a bit to clear my vision a little, eyes widening as he saw his cross. It was across from Just on the other side of the cave. //

"G-God... Wait, I'm coming... Please, help me."

// He attempted to remove the rocks off of his leg, the veins on his hands and arms tightening as he clenched his teeth and his neck pulses, feeling the strength from Bēlua, Sophismae, and Quiesco helping him out. After some time of struggling, Just finally managed to remove the debris of rocks from his leg, breathing heavily in relief. He couldn't move his leg because it was injured, so he summoned the cartridge into his hand as he clenched his fist, his wounds healing quickly. He slowly got up off the ground, feeling his heart weakened as he walked towards the cross. //

"I healed myself... Why do I feel like this? I feel so sluggish... So weak..."

// Just leaned down to grab his cross, wrapping the necklace around his neck as he put it on. The cross looked filthy, dirty, and covered in ink. //

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