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It has been five months since you have found out that you are pregnant but it's only been four months and your baby bump is huge so you are starting to think that you are having twins, but now you are going to visit the hashira again to see their reactions. First up was Mitsuri you knocked on the front door to her estate and then she opened the door "KYAA! Hi Y/N!!" "Why hello Mitsuri." Mitsuri then noticed something about your stomach and she became dead serious. "Y/N... Are you... Pregnant?" You got a little nervous by her words since she was usually never serious "y-yes yes I-I am!" You then smiled nervously "KYAA! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER Y/N?!?" "I wanted it to be a surprise!" Then Obanai appeared behind you "For what to be a surprise?" You then turned around and Obanai looked at you in shock (since he knew about the thing you had with Muzan) Obanai then picked up a gun and started walking to the forest "Obanai what are you doing?" "I'm just gonna talk to him." "What? No!" "I'm just gonna talk to him." He then started locking the guns chamber. "Im just gonna talk to him." A few minutes later you and Mitsuri finally calmed him down, so you headed to Sanemi's estate and knocked on the front door then he awnsered "What do you want Y-" he then noticed you were pregnant "YOU ARE PREGNANT?!?!?" "Y-Yeah." "HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?!?!" "Five months." "FIVE MONTHS?!?! AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME SOONER?!?!" "I wanted it to be a surprise!" Sanemi then suddenly hugs you while crying "I-Im so happy for you.." "Aww thanks sanemi." After Sanemi stopped clinging onto you and calmed down you went to Shinobu's estate and knocked on the door and surprisingly Tengen,Shinobu,And Gyomei opened the door "Hello Y/N! Looking flashy today!" "Ah hello Y/N! What brings you here?" "Oh.. Hello Y/N I wish I could see you.." "Hello you guys! I have some news for you!" "Oh what is it Y-" Tengen notices your baby bump but doesn't say anything about it so you could surprise Gyomei "Oh what is i-" Shinobu also notices but also doesn't say anything "Y/N? What is it?" Gyomei asks you "Well Gyomei do you remember when I said that you are like a father to me?" "Yes I remember." "Well Gyomei I am pregnant." Once Gyomei heard you say that he stopped crying and put his hands down from praying and he hugged you. You got shocked that he did that, "G-Gyomei did you just?" "I'm so proud of you.." One hour later of gyomei hugging you, you walked around looking for the last people to tell and you found Rengoku and Giyu talking so you went up to them "WHY HELLO Y/N! WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?!" "Hello Y/N..." "Hello Rengoku hello Giyu! Well I have a surprise but you two have to find it!" You then smile sweetly and then Rengoku notices your baby bump "WOW Y/N YOU ARE PREGNANT?!" "Wait...WHAT?!?" "Well looks like you two found it!" "CONGRATULATIONS Y/N!!!" Giyu was frozen in shock but then you went to look for Muichiro and you did find him "Why hello Muichiro!" You smile sweetly with him "hello Y/N.." He looks down at your stomach. "Are you pregnant...?" "Yes I a-" Muichiro then puts his head on your stomach "its kicking... I think you are having twins..." "Oh well thank you Muichiro for your discovery."

(Hello again! I hope you liked this part of the story! And I hope you don't mind that I made it long!)

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