Chat and Toy

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Chris watched Leonardo, his new friend, taking care of his plants, he wanted to talk to Leonardo to get to know him better.

"Can I ask you some questions?" Chris asked.

"Of course you can, I'll just be doing some work as you ask them." Leonardo replied as he was filling up a watering can.

"Ok, uhm.... how were you not afraid when you saw me? I know I would be scared if I saw a ghost." Chris said.

Leonardo looked up from the plant he was watering and smiled at him.

"Well let's just say that you looked too friendly for me to be scared of you." He explained.

"Oh really?" Chris felt relieved to hear that, he didn't like the thought of accidentally scaring someone.

Leonardo turned back to his plants and continued to take care of them, he was swift with each one, immediately knowing what each plant needed.

Chris floated in silence as he continued to watch him. Another question was on his mind but he didn't know if he should ask it, after a few moments though, he decided to just go for it.

"When I was at the graveyard, I'd see you visit many times, and each time you'd go to a different grave. If you don't mind me asking, how many people did you used to know from the graveyard?"

Leonardo was turning a plant pot around when Chris asked, once he was done he turned to Chris.

"I actually don't know any of them, I'd just see that some graves wouldn't get any visitors. Even though I didn't know those people who were long gone, it still made me sad to think that they had been forgotten, so I'd visit them instead. I just read what is on their gravestones and remember their names, so that they wouldn't be forgotten." He explained.

Chris was amazed by his answer and how he put in effort to remember those he never new.

Leonardo did a few more things before he was done fulfilling the needs of his plants, he then put his full attention onto Chris.

"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to ask me questions Chris, may I ask you some?" Leonardo inquired gently.

He wanted to help Chris, he didn't understand why his soul was here, stuck on Earth, but he wanted Chris to be able to find peace and move on.

"Yes of course!" Chris seemed ecstatic that his new friend was interested in getting to know him too.

"Hmm... What was your favourite toy?" Leonardo asked.

"Oh! Fredbear! He was a golden stuffed bear, and he had a purple top hat and bowtie!" Chris excitedly explained.

"I see, do you miss it?" Leonardo asked.

Chris looked a bit down when he was asked that.

"Yes I do, I haven't seen him since I passed away..."

Leonardo thought for a few seconds before speaking.

"I have an idea, why don't you come with me for a moment?"

Chris was curious what his friend had in mind.


Leonardo went up the stairs and through a door, with Chris following closely behind. When they entered the room, Chris was surprised that it was a bedroom, it looked nice and cozy though.

Leonardo went to his closet and got a cardboard box out. It was filled with miscellaneous things and at the top was a purple stuffed bear with a black top hat and bowtie.

Leonardo grabbed the toy and looked at it with some nostalgia in his eyes.

"As soon as you told me about your favourite toy it reminded me of this." Leonardo explained.

"It was my favourite toy when I was a child, I've donated all my other ones when I was 15, but I wanted to keep this one for the memories. It just sits here collecting dust, so why don't you have it?" He offered as he brought the toy close to Chris.

Chris looked at it closely and was surprised at the uncanny resemblance it had to his favourite golden bear. It was almost identical in design with only slight differences, plus the colours. He instantly fell in love with it.

"Can I really have this?" Chris asked, wanting to be sure he could have something that was clearly precious to his friend.

Leonardo nodded,which prompted Chris to quickly grab and hug it.

"Thank you!" He said with a smile on his face.

"It's so soft!" He exclaimed.

Leonardo smiled, happy to see Chris happy. He felt like he was passing down his old toy to his own child.

They both proceeded to talk about things for the rest of the day, like shows that Chris used to watch when he was alive, and shows that Leonardo used to watch when he was a kid.

Their favourite colours, food, animals and things that they liked to do in their free time.

They talked till the sun began to set, and when they realised this Chris started to feel a bit sad. He didn't want to leave his new friend, even if it'd only be for a night.

"Why do you look sad?" Leonardo asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't want to leave you, you make me really happy." Chris answered.

"Oh is that so? You don't need to leave, you can stay here if you want, I don't mind." Leonardo replied in a sweet and kind voice.

Chris's eyes lit up.

"Really?! I promise I'll be good!"

Leonardo chuckled.

"Don't worry, just focus on doing things that you enjoy, I want to see you happy." He said.

Chris felt his form tingle with warmth. He could barely believe that this person who he had only known for a day was so nice and kind to him.

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