How Many Years?

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Chris looked out the window, it was a cloudy morning and the grey clouds brought the possibility of rain with them.

"Leonardo would love it if it rained today." Chris thought as he looked at the squirrels running about, collecting nuts to feed on or save for later.

After a while observing them, he let out a sigh.

He was thinking of the tabby cat and how it would have had fun watching the squirrels, too bad it was gone now.

It had been years since the cat last came by the shop, it had most likely lived a comfortable and happy life before passing away peacefully.

Even though it had been years, he still couldn't help but miss the cat from time to time, and that was fine from what Leonardo taught him.

That it's ok to miss things or people even if it has been years, what's important is to learn how to exist happily without the person or thing no longer in your life.

Chris smiled when he remembered that, Leonardo always said things that made him feel better.

As he continued to look out at the grey scenery, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned to see Leonardo who entered the room and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning Chris, how are you?" He asked, his voice kind and gentle as it always had been.

"Morning, I'm good, what about you? How are you feeling?" Chris asked back.

"I'm doing well too." Leonardo answered.

After they greeted eachother, Leonardo went to a crate of bouquets that he made on the weekend. He looked them over to make sure they didn't have any damages that he might have missed earlier in the week.

As Leonardo was doing so, something caught Chris's attention so he looked at him a bit intensely to try and figure out what it was.

He soon figured out that it was a white hair. It really stood out against Leonardo's black strands.

"I guess it has been a while...." Chris thought, sad that his friend is aging.

Chris unconsciously stared at him for longer as he was lost in his thoughts, until Leonardo noticed.

"Is everything alright?" He asked the boy.

"Oh yes, sorry, I was just wondering how old you are." Chris explained.

"How old? I'm 46." Leonardo responded.

"He was 26 when I first met him.... So it's been 20 years since he became my friend...." Chris thought to himself.

"Well if you need anything else just ask me." Leonardo said, his voice comforting and inviting.

Once Leonardo determined that there were no damages to his products, he picked up the crate and made his way to the front of the shop.

He swiftly put all the bouquets on display, you could obviously tell that he had done this a million times before.

As Leonardo was doing work, Chris decided to play with his plush until the shop opens. He wanted to be there when the customers came because he liked listening to them and their stories.

He enjoyed it when they would talk about the most little things with bright smiles on their faces, and also when they told stories that seemed to be pulled right out of a storybook.

After 20 minutes of Chris playing, the shop was open up for business. Chris floated his way to the door that connected the back of the shop to the front and talked to Leonardo as he waited for customers to come in.

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