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The sun had risen bringing light to the world, some clouds dotted the blue sky, but it was still a nice and warm day.

Chris was at the back of the shop and floated near one of the windows as he held his new plush close to him. He looked through the window and was observing a couple of chirping birds in a tree.

They were in a nest as they sang their morning songs. He was amazed at how the local birds created their homes out of sticks and moss.

He continued to watch them as they began to fly around in search of food, he only pulled his eyes away when he heard some noises. He turned to see Leonardo moving a box full of bouquets to the front of the shop.

They all looked really pretty and smelled nice as well.

"Did you make all those?" Chris asked as he followed Leonardo to the front, while his eyes took in their beauty.

"Yes, took me about a day to do so." Leonardo answered as he placed the box down and began to put the bouquets onto display.

"A day? I thought it would've taken you a week at least because there's so many of them." Chris said, sounding impressed with his quick work.

Leonardo couldn't help but chuckle, he found it adorable how easily Chris got impressed.

"This amount is normal for me to make in a day, I'm able to do it since I've had a lot of practice." He replied.

Leonardo continued to put the bouquets onto display as Chris asked him questions, like what was his favourite bouquet to make? And how long has he been working with flowers for?

Leonardo answered his questions, until he was finished with his task. He then did a couple more things before he opened up shop.

When Chris saw him turn the sign from closed to open he became a bit tense.

"Are there going to be a lot of people?" He asked nervously as he fiddled with the plush.

"Well, it depends on what you think a lot is. If you're nervous about there being a lot of people, you can just stay in the back of the shop, away from customers." Leonardo replied.

Chris liked that suggestion.

"Yeah I think I'll do that."

Leonardo talked to Chris a bit more before Chris floated to the back of the shop and went back to looking out the window and observing any animals that passed by.

At the beginning there was some excitement through seeing a familiar tabby cat that Chris recognised from the graveyard. The cat was just walking along a brick wall minding it's own business before it decided to take a nap in the warm sun.

It was a very short nap, and once the cat woke up it yawned and stretched its body, causing Chris to giggle at its cute movements.

After the cat jumped down from the brick wall and left the area, no other animals came by.

After a while of nothing happening Chris got bored. He looked at his plush, forgetting that it was still in his hands.

"Maybe I can play with it?" He thought.

It had been while since he played with any toys.

He placed the plush down onto the windowsill and made it walk across it, pretending that the plush was on its way to visit a friend who lived at the graveyard.

He had a lot of fun making up a silly voice for the bear plush, he played for a long while and only stopped when he heard Leonardo talking in the front of the shop.

Curiosity got the better of him so he proceeded to float to the door and peek his head around it. When he did, he saw Leonardo talking to a pretty lady with long brown hair that had a pinkish tint to it.

Chris made sure to use his ghostly ability to make himself invisible to everyone but Leonardo, he then listened into the conversation.

"Thank you so much for the peonies Leonardo, my daughter will love them." The woman said with a beautiful smile, as she held the pink bouquet of gorgeous flowers.

"No problem Ms. Rosewood, tell her I give my congratulations on her winning the ballet competition." Leonardo replied, also smiling.

"I'll be sure to, have a good day." She said before leaving the shop.

"Leonardo..." Chris whispered, not wanting to speak too loud, acting as if he did so the woman would come back.

"Oh hi Chris, did you need something?" Leonardo asked gently as he looked at the child floating in mid air.

"Are you friends with that lady?" Chris asked.

"Hmm, I'd say we're more like good acquaintances, she's a regular of mine and is always quite polite." He answered.

Chris found it fun listening in on the conversation with Leonardo and Ms. Rosewood, it made him feel like a spy collecting information.

Chris talked to Leonardo more until he saw a person coming up to the shop door. When the customer came in, Chris kept quiet and just quietly observed the interaction between the person and Leonardo.

He couldn't help but smile to himself as he pretended to be gathering info to give it to his made up boss. He also enlisted his plush as his personal assistant.

Once the shop closed he talked to Leonardo more and asked if he could play with him, Leonardo was more than happy to do so.

Chris told him that he was a spy and that he'd need to interview him to get a better understanding of a secret situation. During the interview, Chris couldn't help but giggle as Leonardo was quite good at playing a comedic character.

Over the next few weeks Chris would play his little game and keep quiet and hidden when there were customers in the shop.

He saw many types of people coming and going, all getting bouquets for different reasons. Some were getting them for birthdays or other special events going on in their lives.

Some were getting them as a get well soon for people they know, and others were getting them because they wanted to liven up their home.

The customers that really stuck with him though were the ones getting bouquets because they were going to visit ones who were long gone.

A particular customer that stuck out to him was a man with brown skin who was called Mr. Cooper. He was very friendly with Leonardo and got a custom made bouquet from him.

Chris listened into the conversation between him and Leonardo and found out that Mr. Cooper had been buying bouquets over the past 5 months for a friend who is in a coma.

Chris felt bad for both Mr. Cooper and his friend when he heard this, but he also admired how Mr. Cooper could smile so brightly despite the situation his friend was in.

Chris thought of Mr. Cooper as a strong person and wished to be like him.

When there weren't any customers in the shop, Chris would enjoy talking to Leonardo, and Leonardo in turn would ask him questions.

Chris answered all his questions, happy that his friend continued to show interest in him and that he was consistently kind and gentle to him.

Fnaf - Forget Me NotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz