18) Mile High City

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"So, what's the plan for today" Aurelia asked Kol. "Well, we are going to meet up with that Jeremy Gilbert, I told him I was bringing a friend which he was cool with" Kol said.

"Then what" Aurelia asked. "Then I'm taking my new best friend to dinner" Kol said. "Sounds like a plan" Aurelia said.

"So how are things with my brother" Kol asked. "So far so good" Aurelia said.

"Good I might have to team up with Niklaus for the dagger if he treated you awful" Kol said.

"I never had friends that care about me so much I mean the Salvatore's used to but once they met Elena" Aurelia said when Kol interrupted.

"Hey, we care about you Aura okay, we do you're our family now and you always will be and just know if it came down to you or that doppelgänger, we'd chose you" Kol said making Aurelia smile.

"Come on let's go" Kol said and Aurelia left with Kol.


"Kol how's the weather up there in Mile High City" Klaus asked.

"Lovely Nik in fact I'm taking Aura out for dinner later" Kol said. "And how's our friend" Klaus asked and Kol turned the camera on to Jeremy showing a video.

"That's him there's Jeremy playing fetch with his new puppy isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen thank you Kol we'll be in touch" Klaus said and hung up.


"Hey, you know I didn't know you were linked right" Aurelia asked.

"Yes, I know besides you were too busy having sex with my brother to realize" Kol said. "I'm never going to live that down" Aurelia said. "Not as long as you're in this family" Kol said.

"Well, I'd rather be in this family than somewhere I'm not wanted" Aurelia said.

"Good because you're not going anywhere especially since Rebekah will kill us if we were the cause of you leaving" Kol said causing Aurelia to laugh.

"That sure does sound like her" Aurelia said. "At least now she might finally have a sister" Kol said causing Aurelia to shake her head.

"Let's just go eat" Aurelia said. "Very well" Kol said.


"Well thank you for dinner what's next" Aurelia asked. "We wait to hear from Nik till then I heard you like movies" Kol said and shown some movies.

"Let me guess Elijah" Aurelia said. "Yeah" Kol said.

"Come on I'll put one in" Kol said and Aurelia sat down while Kol put the movie in and sat next to Aurelia and watched the movie with her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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