22) the loss of a friend

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"You know it's going to take a lot of convincing to get Klaus back right" Aurelia said. "I do but if we are going to have a future together, I need my brother" Elijah said.

"I know and I'm not saying don't get him I'm just saying you know how they are" Aurelia said.

"I know but I'm going to offer them a deal one that will be hard to say no to" Elijah said. "You know I may act like he annoys me, but truth is he's the brother I never had" Aurelia said.

"Alright come on lovebirds" Derek said. "I can't believe you called my dad" Aurelia said. "And I can't believe you're dating a vampire" Derek said.

"It's nice to have back up now come on" Elijah said and they all left.


Elijah, Aurelia, and Derek were sitting together at the Gilbert house hoping that they would take Elijah's deal so they could leave with Klaus.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him once he's been disarmed the weapons in my possession my family along with Aura will scatter to the ends of the earth and Alaric will follow us" Elijah said.

"And you'll just run" Stefan said to Elijah. "We've done it before Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years encasing my father what's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life" Elijah said.

"We finally stopped him Elijah" Elena said. "By tricking him" Aurelia mumbled.

"After everything that he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back" Elena said. "Let us huh cute if I wanted to, I could get him back and we both know not even your vampire boyfriends and friends would be able to stop me I have pretty good senses" Aurelia said.

"Aura" Derek said. "Just saying" Aurelia said. "I give you my word Elena I will not revive Klaus within yours nor within your children's lifetimes perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners" Elijah said.

"Why should she trust you" Matt asked. "All you've done is screw her over" Matt said.

"Coming from the people who have hurt my little girl repeatedly you all are lucky I'm holding back cause if I wasn't you'll all be dead" Derek said.

"And for that I'm deeply ashamed but know this she could have been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight so Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not" Elijah said.

"Not hello did that concussion give you brain damage his lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get" Damon said.

"Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms if you return Klaus's body to us Elena will come to no harm" Elijah said.

"Do we have a deal" Elijah asked. "No, no, no, no did I mention no" Damon said.

"Elena it's up to you" Stefan said. "Oh, come on" Damon said. "Why do you want Klaus's body" Elena asked. "He's my brother we remain together" Elijah said.

"So do we have a deal or am I going to have to rip out some throats" Derek asked. "We have a deal" Elena said.


"I know where Klaus's body is" Jeremy said over the phone. "Good tell me" Alaric said. "Damon's on his way to bury him in the woods off Route 12 I'll text you with the specifics" Jeremy said.

"Thank you, Jeremy you're doing the right thing for your sister," Alaric said. "I know" Jeremy said before the line went dead. "He bought it" Jeremy told everyone.


Rebekah, Damon, and Aurelia went up to meet with Damon at the storage lockers where he was keeping Klaus. "Okay you never told me your dad was hot" Rebekah said to Aurelia.

"One ew and two he can hear you" Aurelia said as Derek watched the two seeing how happy Aurelia was and how much Rebekah cared for her, and Derek decided right there for that reason he liked Rebekah for Aurelia knowing if it came down to it Rebekah would protect his little girl.

"Damon" Rebekah said. "Damon where are you" Aurelia asked as they looked for Damon.

"Damon this isn't funny" Rebekah said. Suddenly Damon grabbed Rebekah, Derek and Aurelia and pulled them to him.

"Rebekah, Aura" Damon whispered and Derek saw it was Damon. "Don't ever touch me again" Derek whispered.

"Shh" Damon whispered. As soon as the close was clear Damon, Rebekah, Derek, and Aurelia were trying to roll Klaus out of there as soon as possible.

Alaric sped in front of Rebekah and knocked her to the ground along with Damon, Derek, and Aurelia.

Alaric opened the coffin and pulled out the stake. "No" Rebekah said. "No, no, no" Rebekah said.

"Don't " Damon said. "Aura no don't" Derek said and Aurelia and Rebekah went to run towards Klaus when Alaric staked him, and Damon held Rebekah back while Derek held his daughter.

Aurelia and Rebekah started Rebekah crying while Derek wished more than anything to take away his little girl's pain.

Alaric took out the stake and faced Rebekah, Derek and Aurelia.

"Rebekah, Aurelia, Derek, run, run" Damon said and Rebekah grabbed Aurelia and Derek's hand and sped them out of there.


Rebekah, Aurelia, and Derek made it to Elijah and Elijah saw the tears on Rebekah's and Aurelia's face.

"He's gone Elijah there was nothing Aura, Derek, and I could do to stop it" Rebekah said and Elijah and Rebekah hugged.

Rebekah pulled away from the hug and Elijah looked at Derek seeing him holding Aurelia.

"Tyler Lockwood is dead but the rest survived you said that Niklaus turned their bloodline" Elijah said. "I thought he did" Rebekah said. "It wasn't me it wasn't Kol" Elijah said.

"It wasn't me Elijah it was Niklaus I'm sure of it" Rebekah said.

"Then how are they still alive" Elijah asked causing Derek, Aurelia, Rebekah, and Elijah all to look at each other wondering how it was possible Tyler was alive.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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