'your fear of looking stupid is holding you back' w/Stu

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Sometimes, you could barely stand it.

Watching Stu bend backward for Billy and getting a nod of acknowledgment in return both aggravated you and made you want to skin Billy alive sometimes.

You knew Stu held Billy in high regard. You didn't know if it was true love or infatuation or kinship or what, but you did know it was one-sided at best. But what made your blood boil was how much Stu clung onto Billy's every word, whilst Billy would so often casually brush off his.

"You open your mouth and stupidity leaks out."

Those words had left Billy's lips once. Targeted at Stu, you could almost physically see the harpoon spear itself through his heart. Since that day he has chosen his words more carefully around Billy when discussing serious topics, keeping his opinions neutral or in agreement. Billy got what he wanted: a censored yes-man.

But Stu wasn't dumb, far from it. No, Billy was just narcissistic; power, control, and a leg up were what he wanted. It was just one of the many reasons you decided to help them: to keep Stu from falling too far into Billy.

"Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back y'know."

Stu broke out of zoning out and his eyes shifted towards you, surprise written on his features and his eyebrows lifted. You were sitting around the coffee table at Billy's house, discussing another one of Billy's cruel plans of getting back at Sidney's family. You knew that Stu had wanted to say something, pitch an idea or two of his, but was hesitating. Not unusual.

Billy had excused himself to go to the bathroom, and you took the opportunity to say what you were thinking concerning the often one-sided discussions that happened between the two. A goofy grin makes its way onto the blonde's face, and he leans back in his arms before speaking.

"What're you talking about?"

You rolled your eyes at that, you knew Stu wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what you were getting at.

"If you want Billy to respect you, you should speak up. Letting him walk all over you isn't going to win you any favors from him."

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. He scoffs. "You think I don't know that? I've known him longer than you, remember?"

Before you can retort, Billy walks back in and takes his seat on the floor between you two. He resumes whatever part of the plan he had left. Minutes pass as he goes on and on, neither you nor Stu saying much as Billy gets into his tirade.

"So, what do you guys think?"

Billy's deep brown eyes bore into you as he posed the question. You give your opinion. Billy shrugs and turns to Stu. Classic.

"And you?"

Stu thinks for a moment, and you expect him to break into another puppy dog smile before talking about how great Billy's plan was. To your surprise though, he leans towards the brunette. Mania swirls in his eyes as he bites his lips in excitement.

"Actually, man, I think I know someone even better that we can frame..."

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