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Adrien sigh as he closed the door to his SUV. He locked his door before walking towards the school entrance.

When he entered the school he could see that the halls were empty. He let out a sign of relief, right now at the moment he didn't want everyone in his face.

He stopped at his locker and put some of his things inside of it before closing it and locking it. After he was done he headed off to his first period which was English. One thing about Adrian was he was very intelligent. He had a 4.0 gpa and was passing all of his classes with flying colors. He only fake need help just to slide in a girl panties. Shit if it wasn't for him half of his friends wouldn't have passed.

As soon as he entered the room everyone got happy. His friend were sitting at the top of the class were they usually sit.

Nino - What's up Adrien!

Adrien - Shit nothing much.

Kim - It's about damn time. Damn I swear you move slower than my grandma.

"Shut the fuck up" Adrien said while taking a seat in his chair.

Nino - Now for this party Chloe Said we could have it at her Holte while her father is out of the country.

Adrien - All right that's fine by me the party is going to start at 7 p.m. and is going to end at 3 am.

Max - Sounds like a plan! I'll go ahead and make a post about it.

Adrien - Make sure you put there's going to be food, drinks, and weed. Also let everyone know they're going to be a costume competition for the girls. The one with the most sexiest costume wins a thousand dollars.

Kim - Damn can we do something like that for the man?

Nino - No one wants to see you in your birthday suit Kim.

After he said that all of the boys and the group began to laugh. They were only quiet down when the teacher stepped into the class room.

The Teacher - All right you bunch of ignorant assholes take a seat right now and quiet down!

After he said that everyone in the classroom became quiet and looked over at him.

The Teacher - Damn I leave this class for 5 minutes and you guys start acting like a bunch of animals!

Adrien rolled his eyes " Would you get on with the lesson!"

The Teacher - I will in a minute Mr. Agreste. I need to introduce the new student she's going to be in thisnclass for the rest of the year. You may come in young lady.

After he said that everyone in the classroom looked over at the door. They all were so interested to see what the girl look like.

Everyone eyes when wide open when they seen the young lady.

She was beautiful like exactly beautiful. The woman had pink beautiful sink, she looked to be 5'4 or 5'5, her lips were a nice beautiful shape. They were plum and pink as well. She had dark raven hair that was nicely straight all the way down to the middle of her back. Most importantly she was curvy like very curvy. She had big hips, big breast, and thick thighs. The out fit that she had on didn't help either.

~Marinette Outfit ~

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~Marinette Outfit ~

The Teacher - Guys this Marinette Dupain-cheng please be good to her. Treat her with respect.

Adrien heart drop straight to his ass when he Heard the girls full name. He couldn't believe that it was actually Marinette.

Memory of their childhood began to play through his head. He couldn't believe that she was the same Marinette who was his childhood best friend.

He watched as she smiled at the teacher before taking a seat at the desk that was in the front.

Nino looked over at his friend. He knew exactly what he was thinking. Years ago when him and Adrien first became friends Adrien had told him everything about him and Marinette relationship.

Adrien had always told Nino not to bring her up or talk about her around anyone else.

Adrien couldn't stop staring at her. He just couldn't believe his eyes. She had a major glow up. She was beautiful now.

He had so many questions to ask her but he knew he couldn't just walk up to her and ask while in class.

Kim - Damn she's hot I wonder if she's a virgin.

Adrien didn't know why but hearing his friend say that kind of tired his stomach. He watched as she took out all of her pen and notebook before writing something down on it.

He knew that he had to get someone to learn a little bit about her and he knew the perfect person for the job.

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