☆彡彡 3. ミミ☆

24 2 6

"Ok Stan, i have a question though"

"what?" Stan awnsered a bit impatiently

"Are you into boys or only girls?"

Silence hits the dim-lighted room for a bit. As there was hardly any light sources Kyle couldn't see the blush on Stan's face.

"Myeah..sure, both" Stan awnsered, trying to keep his cool, but obviously not succeeding.

"Alright then," Kyle states "I guess... Kenny, Bebe and Red"

"Woah this is hard" Stan chuckles a bit and looks at Kyle awkwardly.

"Maybe i could marry Kenny, because it's safer, he's my 2nd best friend. I guess then i would kiss Bebe, she's kind of hot. And kill Red."

"Amazing choices" Kyle says and then breaks into laughter, Stan does too.


𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Oh my god, I didn't know Stan could be so charming! His laugh is adorable! Oh dear. Wait, we're still playing... and it's his turn.

"Alright, alright, your turn, Stan"

I like saying his name, and I'm a bit disappointed because of the barely lit room, i can't see his reaction properly.

"Hmm...ok, i guess Heidi, Cartman and uhh... me?" Stan says hesitating on the last part as his voice trails off.

Oh...Him? i kind of want to do a three to him right now. Wait, did he say CARTMAN? I can't stand that fucking fatass-

"Dude not Cartman!"

Stan just responds by giggling. He's so cute.

"Fine, i guess, Kill Cartman, kiss Heidi and marry you. You're my best friend Stan!"

Best friend? more like next boyfriend- oh whatever.

"Haha, yeah" He seems nervous, did my choice make it weird? Oh no, does he hate me? shit.

"You okay?" I place my hand on his. Partly to calm him down, which i somehow succeed at amazingly, but also partly because i want to inspect his reactions to things i do.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine"

Oh well...let's keep playing

"My turn!"

𝐖𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Hmm...does this look good?...i could ask Bebe. Or not, she will probably say it looks good anyway...

I close my drawing notebook and go to Bebe to chat with her. When i meet her eyes, they instantly put a spell on me. She's so amazing! Keep it together Wendy, she probably doesn't even like you...

"Hey Bebe!"

"Oh hey Wendy! How are you?"

She asked how i am...not alot of people do that. Maybe she cares just a little! I shouldn't burden her by telling her my whole day tought... I'll just give a generic awnser.

"I'm alright! What about you?"

"Just fine. Actually, i was just about to go up to you and ask if you want to go on campus a bit!"

"Oh sure!"

Bebe Stevens wants to hang out with me? Oh my god. Okay, contain yourself Wendy, jeez. Alright! YAY.

I take her hand on impulse but when i realize what I'm doing i take it back,

"Oh, sorr-"

I instantly get interrupted by Bebe

"Don't worry, i like holding your hand, It's warm!"

What??!!... Oh my god... ok, alright. Chill!

We go around campus for a bit when i get an idea. A dumb one of course but the little confidence in me won over. I take Bebe's hand and drag her to a small place in the park where no one is. I look at her, almost literally gazing into her blue sky eyes. Without realizing what I'm doing, I get close to her face and kiss her. Is she even into girls? I don't know,and i don't care. I pull away to see her reaction. She looks just like her jacket now! But she doesn't look disgusted or disturbed. Before i know it we were kissing again, and again and again. God i loved her.

Our little kisses turn into makibg out as she slips her tongues into my mouth. She tastes like strawberries! I need to make this good - i put my arms around her neck and she places her handson my hips. We just stay like that for a few minutes.

"Bebe, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask sincerely.

"Ofcourse! anyone would be lucky to have you! even though...i kind of want you all to myself..." She smirks when finishing her sentence. Lovely.

I don't think this can get any better!

𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Everyone was really happy except for a certain little demon, and angel and a fatass. Wait my bad, big-boned.

"shut up fatass! I am not gay! And you know what? you should kill yourself! I am going to burn you!" The Black-haired said.

"Oh damien don't be so rude..." The little blonde says quite shyly.

"No one asked frenchie!"

"Hey! for the last time Eric i am not french, I am british!" The blondie says raising his voice a little more.

"Do i look like i give a fuck about your nationality frenchie? All i know is that you and Damien want to fu-"

"Fuck off Fatass!" Damien shouts before Cartman can finish, then grabs Pip's hand and goes out of the dorm.

"Don't worry Philip that good for nothing mortal will pay!"

Pip's cheeks turned rosy to the mention of his name.

"Oh uh..yeah"

𝐏𝐢𝐩'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Oh dear golly, oh my. Damien just called me my real name! This can't be! He sounds so hot saying it too- Snap out of it Philip! Hmm...i wonder if i could just...

"Hey, Damien?"


"I like it when you call me my name. It's like you're the only person who cares a b-"

"Shut up Philip."

"Oh okay..."

Bad idea, he definitely doesn't care, yet he still uses my name. Maybe he just got used to it? Whatever. It's not like anyone will ever care.


956 words! yayyyy me-

What the fuck am i doing tho- Doesn't matter... Next chapter MIIIIGHT be a TW? I don't know, but hey.

Anyway they're gonna go ziplining!!! (I WISH I HAD NEVER GONE ZIPLINING!!)

bye gays<3

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