☆彡彡 5. ミミ☆

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[TW: SH mentions]

𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Craig, Stan's cousin, almost caught us sneaking into the kid's cave! To be honest i wonder what they were doing there...

"That was close! We should be more careful" I said to Stan.

"Yeah i guess... Do you also wonder what the hell they were doing?" Stan spoke


We enter the space and sit down. We were actually just going to chill, i swear i was about to explode because of Cartman's comments on my hair! He's the world's most annoying fatass, i hate him.

Stan looks a bit shakey. Is he okay?

"Hey Stan, you look a bit uneasy, is everything alright?" As i finish my sentence he looks towards me with a face that wants to say alot more than words can. He was definitely not okay.

"Stan?" I wonder what i could do to help him... Oh, i should maybe make him feel safe? hmm...

I don't know why but i grab Stan's hands. "Agh!" He says a bit shocked. I instantly let go.

"I'm so sorry! Was that too tight?"

He looks dumbfounded, but scared at the same time. Was my grip that strong? Did i hurt him?

"No no! uhm, I'm sorry. I overreacted"

I could tell he wasn't being honest. What is going on here?

"Stan, are you alright?...you can tell me, I'm your super best friend." I smile at him to cheer him up. I don't want to touch him again.

"Oh uh, yeah" He says as if he was totally chill.

"No Stan, you're not. What happened?"

I'm obviously worried, what if...oh...

"Yes, I'm fine" he gives me a fake smile. Maybe i shouldn't insist?

"Alright i guess. I have some chips, you want some?" I quickly change the subject.

"YES!" Hm, i guess that worked.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I think i shitted myself. When Kyle grabbed my hands it hurt like fuck. I recall the relapse from 1 month ago... i tried my best to stay clean. I didn't donit on purpose but..

"Agh!" Fuck. fuck. fuck... I got so scared. I know Kyle is my best friend and i love him alot. I do trust him but, it's just so much easier not to think about it.

"Alright I guess. I have some chips, you want some?" Ok, he took the hint. God i love him. He's so caring and toughtful.

"YES!" To be honest i love chips. What if this had gone wrong though? Ugh i can't stop thinking about it. Maybe i could...nevermind.

"Soo, watcha wanna do?" I ask while grabbing a chip. Even though i speak to him like a normal person, I can't seem to focus. I want him to hold my hand again but i know what that'll do... I hope i didn't worry him? This is awkward. Wait i have an idea, i hope this isn't gonna be stupid. No one is here anyway, right?...

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess we could just chat a bit?" He pauses then mumbles "God it's really uncomfortable here...It's really crowded, it is for kids" then he giggles. It's a delight to my ears. Like music. The two things i love: Kyle and music.

"Huh...ehm, you could try moving abit towards me? Then that curvy wall won't squeeze you-" My voice trails off as i realize what i was saying. Why did i say that? I don't know, but i certainly don't regret it. He scoots over a bit closer to my and our hips touch. That makes my face turn a pink shade, i hope he doesn't notice.

"Sorry, am i too close?" He asks. He definitely noticed.

"No no, it's fine" I smile at him and try not to be awkward. I loved this touch. His touch.

"Heh, remember what Cartman said to Mr.Garisson on the bus?" And we start talking, chatting about randon things. He was funny, charming smart, basically anything you would like! How could I not fall for him...


The boys kept chatting and chatting. Stan talked, Kyle agreed. They were both as pretty as a painting together.

But they weren't the only pretty ones in the scene. Not far stood a tall blonde boy, the one with short hair. He stood there. Gazing into his 'friends' eyes. The beautiful blue eyes he had fallen for. If he had taken his hood off, you would've seen the amazed look plastered on his face.

The other one was as innocent as a baby. Too naïve to comprehend what the other one was implying

𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

While Leo kept talking about how he had forgotten to eat breakfast and now he wanted to have a snack, I just stared. And just anyhow, stared at him like it was the end of the world. The little snowball infront of me looked like an angel, not counting his haircut which i am proud to say i gave him. He said he liked it. I do my own hair and my sister's hair so i have some experience.

"Ken, what did you have for breakfast?"
Sadly, the school trip didn't provide breakfast, it only provided lunch and dinner for some reason. I didn't have breakfast for 3 days in a row. I am too broke to afford it. I wish i did though. But I'm not telling Leo all that, i didn't wanna scare him.

"I don't remember" I chuckle a bit and he does too. I am relieved.

"Can we go to that zipline over there?" He points at one of the many ziplines, one that went a across a lake.

"Sure!" We both start walking towards the zipline. He was so cute. But wait. What? Wasn't i supposed to like girls?... Big tits and shit... But now i feel like Leo is the one to steal my heart. I have to stol thinking about this crap.

We arrive at the tree.

"I'll go first!" He says with enthusiasm.

"Lead the way, Leo"

After going on the zipline aswell, i felt like throwing up. Stan's good at that. Heh.

"Let's go again" Fuck. Fine, i guess im5 willing to do anything for this little guy.

We go on a few more and then stop and sit down on a bench, when suddenly i hear an "Agh!" coming from the kids playground. I knew i should've ignored it but i felt something was off.

"I'll be right back Leo.."

I go and check it out. It comes from a little cave, shit, i can't peek in without being seen... but maybe if I'm really discreet...

I peek in to see Stan and Kyle, my two roomates and friends. They seem...sad? huh, weird... but not weird enough for me to keep looking. I go back to Leo.

Before arriving to the bench i take a small mirror from my pocket and look. It was a gift from Bebe for my birthday. 'To see how awful i look'. I did infact look awful, what looked even worse were the scars. I have gained them by dieing, it's a phenomen where i can reappear and no one really gives a shit.
Only I can see them, or atleast i tought so...

I make my way to the bench and...



Anyway, 1212 words.

As mention in the beginning, this chapter contains talk about SH so please read responsibly and carefully.

Anyway, next chapter isn't really chapter,it's some drawing i made on the designs of the characters and then i might post something fr.

That's all, bye bye!

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