☆彡彡 6. ミミ☆

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I make my way to the bench and instead of being greeted by Leo's sweet smile i get a scared "AH, KEN!"

"what?" I'm very confused.

"Where did you get those scars? Are you ok? Do you need a plaster?"

What is he talking about? Also, did he just say plaster?...

"first of all: stol hanging out with Pip, second of all: what the fuck are you talking about?"

He seems just as confused as me. And then it hits me: is Leo seeing the scars from my past deaths aswell. He can't be...

"Well you have these healed scars and it look weird and, wait no sorry i-"

"No wait i think i get it...you see Leo uhm" I hesitantly tell him what is going on and he looks mortified. Shit did i scare him??...

"Nevermind, do you want a snack? I have a few dollars with me."

I think i nailed it. Nevermind he looks even more scared- what do i do?

𝐁𝐞𝐛𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Me and Wendy were together, i was supposed to hold her while she climbs, and i did. The onky thing i could think of was my touch against her beautiful, clear skin. She was wearing this marvelous off-the-shoulder top and with short jeans.

Once she has reached top, she got down and it was supposed to be my turn but as i was holding onto one of the bits i hear Mr.Garisson yell.


I was quite hungry so i decided to go, and i dragged Wendy along.

"I'm not hungry thoooo"
"Come on Wends, you'll be fine if you snack on something"

We head there, and i am handed a sandwich, so is Wendy but she offers it to me instead.

"I need to keep my good figure"

"Wendyyyyyy" I literally beg her to eat the sandwich and she does. Yes!!

I finish my sandwich and I sit on a bench. Just to rest, i was quite tired. I decide to tie my hair up, altough i find my blonde curls quite breathtaking they were getting in the way.

"Oh my god, girl, you look amazing!"

Oh my, Wends just complimented me, god i love her sm.

"Thankss!" I smile, with light blush on my face.

We then head off to chill by the lake nearby, obviously holding hands. I thought we looked as pretty as a picture together.

~410 words (I got lazy, sorryyy)

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