1.) The beginning

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If I could sail a boat
I'll cruise across the seas
A sweet adventure for us dear

You were taking a walk in the streets of Clatonia singing to yourself on your way to pick up your younger brother from school. It was a nice spring day with a cool breeze that put you in a great mood.

I'll be Jack and you Rose
Just please don't let me go
Cause I'll be nothing without-

You stopped singing after you heard the sweetest voice. You looked around to see where the voice was coming from but saw no one and continued to the school.

No one's POV
In your mind~
Could you ever be
Really close to me
I can tell the way you smile~
If I feel that I
Could be certain then
I would say the thing I want to say to

Johnny stopped singing after he heard the sound of a walki-talki and hid in the ally. After the two cops. After they passed the alarm in the bank went off "Guys listen, stay where you are the cops are-" Johnny was cut off as the gang jumped out of the window. As the other two ran Johnny's father, Marcus glared at him and ran to the car."GO GO GO!" he exclaimed as the member behind the wheel drove off almost hitting the cops and leaving Johnny behind. Johnny dashed after the truck chasing after it. Marcus soon grabbed his son's hand pulling him into the bed of the truck. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE KEEPING A LOOK OUT" he yelled oveusly frustrated with Johnny. He only murders a sorry and Marcus yells at him again. "AND WHERES YOUR MASK" Johnny searched in his pockets and pulled out his bunny mask and put it on. you on the other hand were already down the road unaware of what had transpired and just looked shocked as the car raced by, but thankfully it didn't go in the same direction you were headed. you soon resumed your walk to your brother's school excited to hear about the adventure he had today.

-later that same day-

You help your brother hand as you both cross the streets. Along with picking up your brother, you stopped by a small convenience store to buy a thing to snack on for your movie night. You would originally do this by yourself for nostalgic purposes but after your little brother came to live with you it became a weekly tradition. It was a Friday so you would both have the weekend to relax and hang out. " I wish we could visit Dad..." Flynn said as he took a lick from his Popsicle. You look down at him with pity. Ever since your dad had to admit himself into a psych ward your brother felt down. You could recall the night you got a phone call from a distraught Flynn calling you at 4 in the morning. Your father has never been the same after your mom left him for someone else. She pretty much left her old life behind her to be with a stuck-up rich man who lived in another city, far away from Dad and your brother. " I know you miss Dad buddy but look at it this way, he is getting the help he needs right now. I know it has been 3 months but once he is better the two of you can come live with me." You have him a sympathetic smile.

After getting home the first priority was to get into some comfy clothes which would normally consist of pj bottoms and a tank top for you and sweat pants and a t-shirt for your brother. Next, you would set up the snacks along with ordering takeout while Flynn makes a fort in your living room.
- another time skip-
It was now 10:30 at night with your brother fast asleep. you yourself were ready for bed so you picked up Flynn and headed for the stairs. "But I'm not tired," He said half asleep you simply rolled your eyes as you entered his room and gently placed him on his bed." Night buddy," you said softly to a now passed-out Flynn. You let out a small sigh and retreated into your room and looked out the window into the night. Everything was so calm and peaceful, you looked up at the sky and even though it seemed cheesy you made a wish and what was that wish? "Star light, star bright, you're the star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." You hold your hands together and close your eyes shut. "I wish...for something exciting to happen". With that, you let out a small yawn and lay down in bed staring out the window till you fall asleep.

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