4.) early riser

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Normal POV
It was 5 in the morning and you were starting the day off right. You got yourself dressed along with getting Flynn's outfit as well. Unlike yesterday you would actually be able to take Flynn to school minus the crowd of people. It was around 6:15 when you started to cook breakfast for the two of you. While cooking your mind shifted over to the audition from the other day. It made you smile a bit, for once you didn't feel obligated to do something you didn't want to. As you thought about what the day had planned, you started to hum. What soon was humming turned into singing, something soft to start the day.

Your Pov

"You shout it out
but I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much"
I sing softly to myself, my mine soon goes to Johnny. It's weird how we barely know each other and I was able to open a bit. Sure I didn't give him all the detail but still good to vent a bit about it.
" I'm criticized
But all your bullets ricochet,
You shoot me down but I get up."
My mind then went to my mother, thinking about the last time I saw her before she left. "That's it you're gonna leave just like that." I was angry about how easy it was for her to leave." You don't understand-" I cut her off "No YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! What about Flynn what about me! Are you're seriously gonna throw it all away for some guy with money " My anger was justified how could she leave like that.

"I'm bullet, nothing to lose
Fire away fire away
Ricershad take your aim
Fire away fire away."

The last straw was when Flynn and I were obligated to visit our mother. Even though my dad was still a bit heartbroken he was a saint and wanted me to have a decent relationship with my mother along with Flynn. When we met the new person in our mom's life I had a bit of a bad feeling about him. He seemed to get along with my older brother well but would act cold me and Flynn. I never liked being around them for too long they seemed stuck up and looked down on Flynn and I for living different likes. Along with your "stepfather," you also had a step-sister who got everything she wanted and would sometimes brag about it. " Lucky for both you and Flynn that was the last time you saw them.

" You shoot me down
But I won't fall
I am titanium"

" This is exactly why I didn't want you to have your other kids over, people would look down on us just look at the mess she gotten herself into." My stepfather said as he pinched the bridge of his nose as he paced back and forth through the living room. I was caught performing at the park without a permit. l just trying to make some extra pocket money. " Well, I'm sorry that I'm not normally in the city. It's not every day I come here to let an opportunity get away." You snapped a bit. This wasn't normally like you, but you were just about done with being around everyone. " Excuse me don't you DARE talk back to me why can't you be more like your sister." He said I was just at my limit and snapped" Wrong she is not my sister. She is your daughter." You said in a huff and was about to walk away. "Come on (y/n) you need to know what you did was wrong. Just think of what could happen to us if the news caught wind of this" Your mother chimed in.

"Shoot me down
But I won't fall
I am titanium"

"Am I hearing this correctly? I was just arrested for a small misunderstanding and you worried about yourself." I already knew that she only cares about but it didn't stop you from getting more pissed off. " You see it's this attitude I was talking about you think your some kind of hot shot, to come here." My stepfather came close to my face and was now giving me intense eye contact, but I didn't back down. " All I did was sing to get a little bit of extra pocket money. Just because I'm not from around here does mean people like you get to walk all over people like me." I knew I was treading dangerous waters but it had to be said. " It's people like you who act like the world revolves around you." He then gives out a low chuckle. " Oh, so the world shouldn't revolve around me and my family okay I see. You got some nerve to talk to me like this." That is when I snapped " I don't even know why I'm talking to you shouldn't this be between me and my mom". My mom soon stood up and walked over to us." Listen to his (y/n), he's your father.
I then snapped" CORRECTION he is not my dad. He is just some random man you sleep with behind Dad's back." I had tears streaming down my face at this point and my voice became louder. " Not only that you choose to abandon both me and Flynn for him. What about us huh. it all of this you choose only yourself and turned your back on your kids." You could see the anger building on your mother's face. " I didn't leave your father just to another guy. he couldn't provide the lifestyle he knew I wanted, in the end, you chose him over me." She was being unbelievable that I couldn't take it anymore. " No YOU choose between your kids over some hook-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence due to my mom slapping me across the face. I was shocked because even though she was stuck up like everyone else you didn't expect her to slap you. " Leave. If you truly feel that way then I want you out of my life." I simply responded by going up the the guest room and packing away Flynn and my belongings.

I held my hand up to the side of my face where my mother had slapped me. I was soon brought back to reality when I felt a tug on the side of my shirt. "(Y/n)! Are you okay? I kept on calling you but you wouldn't listen" I looked down to see Flynn you couldn't help but smile and ruffle his hair. " I'm okay kiddo, I'll get your plate ready in just a second." I dished out breakfast for the both of you and ate together. Even though I don't have my older brother I'm my life anymore I still have Flynn and my father. I can't help but be thankful for everyone that had played a major role in my life.

AN: hey to those of you reading this give me some feedback. I want to hear from you guys to if I need to fix up anything. I know my grammar isn't the best and I want to get some feedback on what I need to change.

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