7.) the visit

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Your Pov
" I'm here to see (D/N) (L/N)" the nurse then proceeded to ask for my name and some other information. After that's all settled we sat in the waiting, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous due to how long it's been. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called.

Normal POV
As the nurse takes you and your brother back into the comins area you felt a smile form. You felt Flynn's grip losses as he runs up to hug your father " Heya kiddo. You've gotten a bit big from the last time I saw you" your father said. Even though he notices how much you and Flynn changed you couldn't help but noticed that he looked different too. Even though he still sounded the same he looked more tired than normal.
" Hey dad are you okay" you couldn't help but ask.
" Yeah, just missed the two of you is all"
he looked down. You knew something was up. You were lucky that Flynn's still young and doesn't fully has a grasp of your dad's reality. One day he would find out what really happened and by thing are what they are but would so understand that your dad's getting the help he needs.
"Now whose up to play my favorite board game". Your dad pulled out the box and you immediately cringe while Flynn's eyes lit up.

<1 hour and 30 painful minutes later>
Your Pov
" Why must your favorite game be the longest to get through" I asked my father. Of course I already knew the answer to that question. We were currently 45 minutes in Monopoly and it got pretty tense at time. We managed to get a few other people to join in on the game which made it even more intense then it would be,but I was glad to see everyone's having a good time.

" Alright Flynn rents due" I said to him
"Can I get another extension please" he beges for the 3rd time.
" At this point I'm being scammed" I chuckle a bit to myself at this point Flynn has payed rent for everyone else besides me. He didn't even bother to ask dad to skip out on the rent. "Please" he pulled the puppy dog eyes but I'm not letting it work this time." Flynn if I made another exception for you then I have to make it for everyone else. I'm not gonna be scammed out of 500 dollars again."
" It's okay I'll pay for him" my dad then proceeded to hand me 500 dollars." You got lucky" I playful glare at Flynn.

" If you don't mind me asking but are you apart of that singing contest" I turned to the girl next to me. I simply nodded and then I heard another voice speak up. " Can we get a small preview" an older lady said from across the table. i heasitated for a bit thought it could do no harm, after a minute of thinkig looked out the window and knew just what to sing.

" cotten cand skies, why cant you be mine always on my mind, im running out of time"

i closed my and let my mind drifted off a bit I thought of a lot of stuff like my life up until now, but all of a sodon my mind drifts to johnny.

"skies aren't always blue when i think of you,

I'm tryna' make it through

I caught you like the flu"

it was wierd. I barly even know johnny but yet i want us to be more then friends. am I falling for Johnny. like when i was sinning during rehursal eaerlier i was on the last lines of the song ending my performence.

"Breathing in and out
Why can't I see straight
My mind switching lanes
I'm trapped in my own brain"

i sighed at the end, i took a bow as everyone claped for me as one of the nurses entered the room. " i'm sorry everyone but vititing house are over for today." I was how flynns face fall a bit as dad pats his head. " its alright buddy I'll stay in touch. I promise that i'll be out of here soon." I had to put on a braves face for Flynn due to how dad acted earlier. I'll probobly ask him about it when I have the chance. we finished putting everything away as we were escorted to the lobby. Flynn and I gave dad one last hug before leaving. " come back to visit anytime. I could always use the company." Dad waved to us as we left.

The sun has just finished setting over the horizon as Flynn and I walked down the side walk on our way home. along the way I noticed a tall elephant like figure, noticed a tall elephant like figure. as I got closer I relied that it was the stage hand that was at the theater ealier today.

normal pov

when you got close you noticed that she was singing, you softly taped her arm she jumped a bit but soom relaxed. " im sorry I didn't mean to startle you but arent you one of the stage hands for the sining compitistion." you asks. she seemed shy but awnsered anyways. " yeah, I originaly came to reaudition but Mr moon ask me to help backstage befor I was able to let him know." she looked down. " well you have a great voice im sure he would allowe to reaudition with a voice like that." you gave her a smile. " i dont know, I just get so shy and I'm not sure if i could do it." she said with a frown. " if you really love to sing, dont let your anxiety stop you. life is way to short and you need to make the most of it." you said giving her a bit of hope. " I'm (y/n) by the way and this is my younger brother Flynn" you said as Flynn waved lazily as he yawned. " im Mena" she repliyed.

the two of you talked as Mena's bus arrived to take her home. " I'll see you tommorow (y/n)" she said as she got on the bus. " later" you replied as you began to walk to the direction to your place. halfway through thought you had to carry Flynn. Even though you would normally say no you could see how tired he was, you were lucky that during the board game the two of you ate dinner while visiting your dad. You were waiting at the cross walk while waiting for the sign to switch when you heard a familiar voice.
"Need a lift"

Sing Johnny X Reader.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora