5.) the phone call

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Normal POV
It was around 7 when you and Flynn were out the door. The you took in a moment to breath in the morning air before the to of you made your departure. " why cant i come to practice with you today sis". flynn whined " well unlike yesterday there wont be a huge crowed of people in the way. there is no way you can get out of this." you replied bluntly. you thought that since you were in the show he can now fine an excuse to skip school, althogh you like spending time with Flynn you also enjoyed yopur alone time when the oppertunity comes. you'r conversation with your younger brother comes to an abroupt end when your phone started to ring. When  you picked up you heard a familiar voice on the other end...

Your Pov
" Morning (n/n) saw you on the news the day before..." I immediately stop the second I recognize the voice on the other end. " D-DAD" I said aloud,
Flynn also stopped the second he knew I was talking to. " Dad's on the phone!" He asked excitedly I soon put the phone on speaker phone so we could all converse together as a family.
" So (n/n) congrats on getting into the singing competition, I still remember when you use to sing when you were little." He said reminiscing a bit the old memories. I was just happy to hear his voice again.

We talked up until we reach Flynn school. "Do I have to go I still wanna talk to dad" he said with a frown but before I could say anything my dad spoke up.
"it's alright buddy, I'll be open to visitors today. So I was thinking you and your sister can come for a visit." Flynn look up at me with excitement in his eyes.
"Of course we'll be there" I said happily it's been a while since we last saw him anyways.
" Well I see you than Flynn. I love you buddy." My father said. " I love you too" and with that Flynn had retreated into the school building.

I continued to talk to my dad as I made my way to the theater " so tell me more about this contest is the thing about the prize money true" he asked I honestly couldn't care less about the money and I was just in it for the fun.
" I think so I'm really don't care." I admit it to him I would soon reached the theater and wished it was a bit farther so I could continue talking to my dad.
" Well I'm at my stop." I said with a sigh my dad quickly since something was up
" I know you and Flynn miss me and I miss the two of you as well." He said with a sigh, it been a bit since we last heard from him I also knew that this was what he needed.

" I know, I guess it just gets lonely whenever Flynn's in school or just being a normal kid and playing with his friends." i honesty felt like crying in this moment i had to grow up fast due to the situation I was in.
" I know it feels that way, but you know that I need to work on myself befor i can take care of the two of you. I promis that i'm doing way better from when I first arived." i smild once he said that, i can feel him smilie on the other side of the call.
" well its about time I let you go, there are some other people behind me waiting to call their loved ones."
i frowned a bit not wanting to end the call.
" Hey don't get to sad, your comming to visit me later." i heard his chuckle, he was always able to read my mind. " okay...I love you dad." I said " I love you (y/n)" i heard his say before i heard sound of the call ending

Normal pov

Johnny had just made it to the theater when he noticed you standing by the entrence top the theater. he notice that you where on the phone so he planned on sneaking passed you to go in, but knoting the tears rolling down you cheecks.
" hey (y/n) are you okay" he said you quickly snapped out of your days when saw Johnny giving you a look of conerne. " your crying" he said you wipe your eyes releasing he was right. you hadn't even noticed that you let a few tears fall.
" its nothing" you said putting your phone away, you were about to enter the building when you felt Johnny grab your wrist.
" something is wrong, what's gotten you upset." you didn't want to explain the situation to him, after all you only meet him the day before. " umm its just..." you trailed off thinking of what to tell him.
" hey... you don't have to give me alot details just a simple answer would be nice." he said softly. you couldent help but blush abit his words were so sothing you soon composed yourself to awnser. 

" I just miss my dad" you said simply, but what you didn't expect was for johnny to hug you. you felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
" don't worry..things will get better" he said as he hugged me a bit tighter. you soon wrapped your arms around your neck and felt all your sadness melt away. you felt at peace just being in his arms but the was soon interrupted. 
" YUCK  get a room you to" the two of you looked down to see an annoyed Mike
" take that public display of affection some where else." you and Johnny pulled away from eachother with Johnny scraching the back of his neck and you blushing. Mike rolled his eyes and started to walk away. you and Johnny looked at echother befor laughing making your way torded the stage to get started with the first day of rehursdal.

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