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Your pov
     I was sweating bullets after Mr.Moon called all of us back on stage I could feel how tense everyone was. He first wanted to select the group acts which was a consistent of a group of a frog dance group and pick one of the porcupine's that performed a duet. I was surprised that he didn't pick anyone else but now was the moment of truth.

Normal pov

     "Okay soloist" Buster anounst and begin to like off the name. " Johnny, Mike,(y/n) Pete,Richard,Daniel and Ray." He said as the for of you stepped, you could feel the anxiety build up inside of you as Buster was talking to Mike. He then turned to you " ( y/n)  I felt a lot of emotion in your voice it's perfect, your in" you felt a wave wash over you, that was until you hear cheering. " YAY SISSY" Flynn shouted, your face instantly when red. There were a few chuckles on stage but died down a bit. After a while the cast was fully selected and a couple of contents wanted to see the prize money but after someone mentioned the amount of money Buster said something about leaving the key in his office and ushered off miss a crawly and left with another one of his friends.this left time for you and all the other contestens to chill for a bit before buster comes back.

Your pov
Flynn ran on to stage after Mr moon left and gave me a tight hug. " You did amazing sissy.l, your the best singer in the whole wide world"he said as I hugged him back. I checked the time relisting it was still a bit early. " Maybe if we're able to how about we visit dad" it's been a while since we last saw him and it would be a good opportunity to catch him up with both my life and Flynn. "You did great today, I'm Johnny by the way." I looked up to see the same gorilla I bumped into this morning. " (Y/n) and this is my younger brother Flynn" I gesture to my brother but he hide behind my leg. He was definitely like me when I was younger always the shy kid. " There's no need to be shy." He gave Johnny a simple wave and continued to look at the floor. " dont worry, he's normaly this shy when it comes to people he dosent know. reminds me of when i was he age." I said, Icontunued the conversation so the two of us could get to know eachother. 

We mainly talked about life in general, about long term goals and eventually about family. " so I told you about my dad, whats your family like." i took a moment and look down at Flynn who was half asleep. " there not that much to talk about I have custody of Flynn for the time being while my dad is away while my mom and older brother lived in the city." i try not to give Johnny to much detail about my family. I just met the guy and I didn't want to spill all of my truama onto him. " thats weird, why dont you and your little brother go live with your mum?" he said i let out a small sigh still not wanting to get into it and giving him the sort and simple awnser " my parents split up a little while after Flynn was born after that she left for the city to start a bussness and my older brother when with her to help out." i fudgyed the truth a bit. I knew that my mother left to be with god knows who and your brother only left because your mother told him how rich the other guy was. it didnt make any sence to me but befor Johnny could ask any more questions Mr. moon came back to address everyone on stage.

normal pov

" Okay everyone lisen up" buster spook grabing everyones attention " im gonna send you all home right now" this catches eveyone off guard but would continue to lisesn. " yup. Cause like my dad use to say, get a good sleep and do a great days work." this would pump everyone up excited to start work. " thats right rehursal begins frist thing tommorow morning, and if you wanna become stars and win hundrade grand than you be ready to work hard than you ever worked in your lives. so get some sleep and dream big dreams." eveyone began to cheer as a group of red pandas came on stage and begaind to sing. Buster had mis Crawly usher them off stage the contestande left the stage and out off the theater. You had Flynn on you back who was now fast asleep and as you were about to go home you felt a tap on your sholder. you look over to see Johnny and you gave him a soft smile. " so um i really enjoy talking and was wondering.." he traid off depating weatehr to ask you or not. " can i get your phone number.. you know to talk when were not at the theater rehurshing..." you blushed a bit but agreed givving him a sweet smile. " sure its (***-***-****)" with that he added your contacted with that he gave you a thankes and said his fair wells. you couldent help but watch him walk off, once he was out of veiw you let out a sigh and made your way home. the sun was setting over the horizon once you got home. once inside you placed Flynn on the coush not wanting to wake up. you could stop thining about Johnny and the conversation you two had but after a couple of minuste you brushed it off and just decied to take a nap and leave your worries for the next day.

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