Chapter SEVEN:" The Creature, Questions."

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It all happened so fast...

All of a sudden... in an instant, the littlest of the group darted to the front opening her arms to act as a human shield.

And in the second that followed....

Lilly jumped forward, letting go of her grandmother...

Millie, had a face full of pure regret at what might happen as she landed on the snow...

...and Arteus...


Dreaded that the sombre mood had waned his focus on the creature that stalked them!


"Is that the thing that's been following me."

The thought raced across Arteus' mind as his body started to move.


"And this distance! I won't be able to get to them in time."

He thought...

Having chosen to deliberately walk a couple paces back when he first noticed the eyes on them.



"--Eeehhh is this thing on?"

And then suddenly... a voice.

Like thunder... it rained down from just above the creature that floated ahead.




They all froze. Eyes glued to it. Tense but also fearful... a God?

"Hmmm... seems so..."

"Well then before you do anything foolish, I'd like to make sure you know I mean you no harm."

The voice came.


"What's going on?"

Arts thoughts were a maze at this point.

Where was this voice coming from?

What did it want?

And that creature...

That little black ball with a clear white eye so large it almost fit the whole ball, and beautiful long lashes of three... extending from both the top of the eyeball and below, a total of six.

What was it?

Why did it just float there?

How... Did it float there?

Arteus had never heard of or even seen something like this before. And that thought alone was unnerving.

"Forgive me for interrupting your journey, but after witnessing your adventures today I simply could not contain myself..."

"Due to your efforts in the first wave, you sure have a lot of eyes on you boy."

"Would you mind sharing your name with me?"

The voice came again, its tone eloquent and noble. The air of it speaking with such authority Arteus could swear he saw Lilly flinch... almost forgetting where she was and kneeling.

However, this time... the eyeball creature had also turned to face Art and with it so did the eyes of the family around him.



"Boy don't!"

"No, it's fine... I sense no bloodlust from that thing."

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