Chapter ELEVEN: "The Residents, Barley IV."

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And Millie's shout set the precedent for a reunion... and meeting that would decide what would happen to the people of Barley post this traumatic day.



"O-Open the door."




With that the door swings open after a hastened sound of clicks and clunks from the locks and barricades to unveil the remaining survivors of Barley.

And the son of Millie.

Village Chief and Leader of Barley.

Castrol Pennant.



The words leave Millie's mouth sombrely...

A conflict in how she should feel easily pickable from her tone and expression as the entourage pace slow into the Barn.

And to the man who sits alone atop a couple of crates at the end of the structure.

Flanked only by a handful of priests to his sides.

Castrol Pennant. Uncle to Lilly and Gracie and the youngest child of the Millie Pennant.

Standing at just under six feet tall with a lanky lean figure.

This dark-haired, 30-somenting year old is the man who inherited the title of village chief of Barley from Millie.

As the youngest of two, Castrol was never intended to fulfil any role in village management.

However, after the unfortunate passing of his older brother. His mother opted against reclaiming her retired position in full in favour of her youngest son.

His leadership, or lack thereof, is according to Martin Wyatt the main reason so many had lost their lives today.

"G-Glad to know you're still alive ma..."

The lanky man gives a weak smile. His obvious stammer makes his meek nature even harder to ignore as sits fidgety atop the crates.

"P-Please, take a seat, everyone."

"C-Can you bring them some of the buns and water we have in the back?"

"AH... Yes sir!"

The order sends one of the men who flank Castrol like bodyguards rushing to the back when...

"Tch... Cut the crap Cass! We all know you don't care!!"

The granddaughter holding Millie explodes, lashing out angrily at her uncle and giving off the sentiment that those are the feelings of everyone who just entered the barn.


"What Granny? Yknow am right! Right Gracie?!?"


Millie lashes out at her granddaughter, allowing for a short moment of family bickering as a stalwart Arteus continues his bit-part role.

Guess no matter the situation, family quarrels will always remain a constant, huh...

"...U-Uncle... Cass..."


"U-Uncle Cass... i-I said its Uncle Cass to you... Lilly."

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