Chapter TEN: "The Residents, Barley III."

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"But now that you're in that state..."

"No! Even if you aren't capable of helping to your fullest maybe we can still catch up to Tobias and all the others!!!"

"Am sure if we catch up, we can--"


Birds flew disturbed from the trees as the sound of skin on skin echoed the entire area!!!



"Elder Mi--"

"You... IDIOT!!!!!"

But the vigour with which these words left Millie's mouth was more disturbing as the old woman seethed with anger after her impulsive hand had caught Martin right across the face.

What had gotten her so mad?

The chaos in Barley continues as Arteus stays unphased.

Watching the residents with calmly...

His intentions remain unclear.

"...el-elder Milie--"

"What would you have done if all these people got hurt!"

Silence befell the area as the old woman's words rung out.

Aside from her family who flanked her on both sides and Arteus. The rest of the people gathered here could only turn away with stiffened expressions.


Did they truly fear this angry old woman?

An old woman who at this point in her life could not even move freely without assistance??

"What would you have done if these children got hurt?!?!"


"If the child that 'she's' carrying... got hurt."

The silence continued. More deafening with every word as Millie pointed out a pregnant woman from Martin's group.

Like verbal blows to Martin...

The words carried an authority that froze everyone at attention.

Paying heed to her every utterance and gesture.

Even Arteus.

"I don't know what happened to all of you."

"What you all saw..."

She lamented sombrely, shaking with a multitude of emotions from anger all the way to fear and sorrow...

"But after what 'I' saw... after what 'I' have seen."


"What made you believe it wise to travel with a pregnant woman and children?"

"And all to find an old bat no less."

"One who with or without this apocalypse already had her timer running"

Millie lamented with a wry smile, her gaze shifting unsteadily as she stared to the snow.


"All of you!"

"IS the life of this old woman more precious to you than the one that grows in her belly?!?"

She shouted... gesturing wildly to herself before singling out the pregnant woman once more.

The accompanying silence was more deafening than before.

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