[Part 7]

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Y/N's POV:

I was flying high in the sky  and I decided to confront the Steel Sabers, on I - Island since I heard him through the headset, he wants, my hammer, then I kill him with it. I wanted to take Nine to Helheim itself and let Mother handle him. 

When I landed saw the floating island, I saw hundreds of men occupying it, draggin men, women and children into the bigges building of the island. 

That island will run with blood. I decided to take go through to the reception hall and save as many hostages as I can. I flew above the largest building on the floating island and bursted through the roof easily.

The hostages, and the Steel Sabers themselves looked to me with shock, and I growled with furiosity and rage at the state at some of the hostages.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!" The lead man screamed to his men who pointed their guns toward the hostages.

"DON'T BE FUCKING STUPID!!!! I'LL KILL THEM!!!! I SWEAR, I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The lead man screamed toward me, making me sigh in annoyance. 

I swiftly grabbed Hofuð out of it's hilt and activated a Realm Shift, causing time around me to slow down dramatically. In a flash of fire, I turned my legs into the legs of a Speed Stinger. Using that speed, I transformed my tail into a Razorwhip tail and puffed out the spikes. Before running at blinding speed and slicing at the throat of every mercenary in the room

I sheathed Hofuð back into it's sheath and every man that was with the Steel Sabers fell to the ground, dead. 

"May your rot in the deepest pits of Hel." I sneered to the dead men in the room. He looked to see all the good men, women and children shivering in fear at what I did to the men making me sigh.

"I apologize for that. They will not be missed. Now, get out here." Y/N stated to the hostages.

I then threw my hammer to the wall and it easily destroyed the wall. A loud roar could be heard from the outside and a giant draconic eye could be seen from the outside of the newly destroyed wall making the humans scream in fear.

"Relax, he is here to help." Y/N softly told to the humans in the room. The dragons large wing fit through the hole in the wall.

"I am not here to harm you. This is just for your safety. Beast! Make sure that they get down safely." I said to the giant dragon outside of the building causing him to let out a deep rumble. 

I flew out of the hole and onto the massive roads of the floating island and saw an abundance of Steel Sabers with APC's, Tanks, Several soldiers with guns and snipers pointed directly toward me. 


They pointed their guns at me and I simply smirked in response.

"None of you will leave this island, alive" I said with a slight smirk.

"Yeah!? You and what army!?" One of the mercenaries yelled making me smirk wider.

I roared at the top of my lungs that the men had to cover their ears as it echoed into the sky. Suddenly thousands of species of dragons appeared behind me and began to surround the Steel Sabers and easily outnumbered the amount of men on I - Island.

(Start video at 0:31 - 1:16)

"This one" I said with a huge smirk underneath my helmet.

"ᚨᛏᛏᚨᚲᚴ (Attack)" I ordered in Old Norse causing every dragon to charge at the mercenaries making them panic and try to shoot their guns, but a cloud of smoke stole them before they could be fired. 

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