Chapter 1: Getting Ready

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Chapter 1: Getting Ready

The sun was shining brightly as you awoke from your sleep, it must have been around noon, because the birds were chirping and you could hear the sound of voices downstairs, that couldn't be anyone else than the boys. It was actually rather unusual to hear voices from them, normally they would be working, or just sitting in silence, it must've been because they all had a day off today, including you. 

You had been the Manager of Quartet Night for quite a while now, actually ever since you debuted as an Idol from Shining Entertainment. Shining had wanted you to work better with other people, he meant that you had "People Problems," and even though you didn't wanted to admit it, he was right. So he set you up with the most obnoxious band in the branch, and man did they need your help, and man did you need theirs. But even though none of you would like to admit it now, not even Reiji, you had all changed for the better, and had made a strong bond together. 

Laying there in your bed, thinking of old times, with no intensions of getting up, it hit you, today was the day, the day you were all going to Ikea to shop for new things to your rooms, and the Agency. That's why you all had a day off, and you had of course forgotten to set your alarm, because who does that on their day off? That also explained why they were all gathered downstairs, they were probably waiting for you, both Quartet Night and Starish. Man did you feel stupid?

Now that you were thinking about it, your work with Starish were pretty good too, you had actually known them since they debuted too. You actually debuted at the same time, and even went to the same school, so your friendship with them wasen't bad either. But why were you thinking that now? You had to get dressed, you were driving in about an hour!

Hurrying out of your bed, trying to get dressed while combing your hair, you heard a knock on your door. Turning around, almost tripping in the process of getting your shorts on, you yelled:  "Who is it?" You heard a person clearing his throat and answering: "It's me, Kurosaki. I'm here to hear if your lazy ass is going to come with us to Ikea" You huffed a little at his comment, and then went to answer him, while pulling your shirt over your head: "Yeah of course, just let me get dressed, then I'm comming" "Don't forget to disguise yourself a little (y/n), we don't have the store to ourself" he answered "Of course I won't forget that you moron. Wait, are you telling me this because you forgot?" you answered in a teasing voice. "Like hell I did!" he yelled back. A small giggle made it's way out of your mouth, you heard him huff and say "Whatever, see you downstairs" and with that you heard him walk of. Tying your (h/l) (h/c) hair up under a hat, and putting on some glasses/sunglasses, you were ready to go down to the others.

Getting downstairs you were greeted with a lot of different reactions, some were: "Ah! (y/n)-chan you are ready, did you sleep well?" While others were: "Finally, we have waited for you" And then there were them without any kind of expression. "Yeah, uhm sorry for being late, I forgot to set my alarm" you almost whispered, because this was not a thing you did often. As the Manager of Quartet Night you had to be dutiful, so this was the first time it happened to you. "That's ok (y/n)-chan that could happen to anyone" Ren said with a smirk, you just looked disapproviling at him and turned to Tokiya, who always seemed to have it all under control. "Is everyone else ready?" You asked, "Yes, we just finished packing whatever we needed, so we are ready to go" He answered with a nod. "Then lets go!" Shouted Reiji on his way out the door, "I'll be taking Quartet Night and our ever so cute Manager in my car!!" He continued shouting with a big grin plastered across his face, the rest of Quartet Night and you just followed him with a deep sigh from each of you. While walking to the car you said to Reiji: "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me cute?" He just grinned, and said: "But you are (y/n)-chan, isn't she Ran-Ran, Ai-Ai, Myu-chan?" while turning your head with his hand and make your cheeks go chubby, you heard a slight chuckle from each of them, and pushed Reiji's hand of your face and said: "That's it, I'm riding shotgun" you could feel Ranmaru's, Ai's and Camus' faces fall behind you as you walked to the car, that was what they got for lauging at their Manager. You smiled a little to yourself, opening the front door to Reiji's cute little car, you were actually a little excited about today, it had been a while since you all went out together, with Starish too, so of course you were excited, but also a little scared that something might go wrong with this bunch of boys. Getting Ranmaru, Ai and Camus cringed into the backseat, and Reiji in the drivers seat, you were ready to drive.  Ren, Masato, Syo and Natsuki were driving in Ren's car, while Tokiya, Otoya and Cecil were driving in Tokiya's car. You really didn't get the change to consider why you where driving five people in Reiji's little car, while the other two had lots of space, but then again, Reiji liked having you all with him.

Anyway having Ai in the middle of Ranmaru and Camus on the backseat, you drove of, with the destination Ikea in your minds. And for some reason you had this weird feeling about the trip, but you just kicked it off your mind, and tried to relax. And that went pretty well, right until Reiji turned the radio on and said: "Hey, hey shouldn't we all sing a song together?" A muffled sound of "I'm gonna kill you" and "Turn down the radio, moron" and last but not least "Pull yourself together, you are a grown up, aren't you?" was heard from the backseat, and the only thing you could think of was: "It's gonna be a long ride"

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