Chapter 3: At Ikea

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Chapter 3: AtIkea

After driving in to Ikeas parking lot, and finding a parking space relatively close to eachother, you all met up at the main entrance."Did you all have a nice drive? I had a lot of fun" Otoya said with a big smile, that would make every grandmother want to pinch his cheeks. Tokiya glanced over at him with an unamused look, and then looked forward again. Cecil nodded and said: "I had a fun drive too" that made Tokiya make a deep sigh, and look up into the sky,like he was trying to preach for help. You chuckled a little at Tokiyas behavior, and then looked at Natsuki who spoke up with: "I had a wonderful drive too, it was really funny. Don't you think so too, Syo-chan~?" Syo looked like he had been through hell twice,and he made a quick shiver and the said: "I guess it was fine"and afterwards muttering to himself: "But I'm not driving with you home, you crazy bastards." Ren looked over at Masato with a flirty look and said: "My drive was pretty pleasant too" Masato made a death glare towards Ren and said: "It could have been better, but at least I'm not dead." "Talking about death, what the hell were you guys doing?" Ren said refering to Reiji, the rest of QuartetNight and you. "Aah well, how to explain this" Reiji started of with a nervous tone in his voice, "Reiji made a quite unfitting joke to (y/n), thus making her hit him in the face, making Reiji lose control over the car for a moment, making it turn around in the middle of the road, making Camus' face squeeze up against the window" Ai explained in short, what would probably have taken Reiji forever. All of Starish looked at Quartet Night and you like you were all idiots, and how could you be the professionals? But then they all started either laughing or chuckling at you, which made it a little more comfortable. Finishing off laughing Cecil asked: "What about the dog then? How did it end here?" Ai, Ranmaru, Reiji and you just looked at Camus with a telling look, and he just scoffed at you,giving them the same explanation as you got: "He needed to get out,and I didn't want him to be alone, so I brought him with me"Starish just nodded in understanding not knowing what to do or say. As everyone looked ready to enter Ikea, you spoke up: "So I was thinking.." you were cut of by Ranmaru saying: "Don't overdo it" you looked annoyed at him and continued: "Ikea is a big place, and we are a lot of persons. So I don't expect us all to go around together, but should we make it a deal to at least stay together two and two? Just in case one gets lost. I know there is a lot of help in there too, but it's much nicer to be two" you looked around at the others, who seemed to agree with you. "Nice one Manager" Reiji said behind you with an approving smile and a thumbs up. It was kind of your job to be the reasonable one in the group, not that any of the members of Starish weren't reasonable, just in another way. You smiled at them all and said: "Let's go then. And remember, we are only here to get small things, like pillows or other acessories for our rooms, and the Agency, ok?" they all nodded and started walking thorugh the swing door. Just as Cecil were about to enter the door,Camus pulled him aside and said in a quiet voice: "Aijima, do I look fatter than usual?" Cecil looked at him quite amused, Camus did eat a lot of sweet things, but he never seemed to gain weight, so why were he thinking about it now? After a whil just staring at his Senpai, he finally answered: "No, not at all, you look like you always do" Camus gave him an approving nod, and let him go. Ranmaru had heard it all, and couldn't help chuckling a little to himself,that stupid Ice Queen.

As they had all entered Ikea, and were on their way over to the escalators, an employee approached them witha slight apologetic smile. "I'm sorry sir, but animals are not allowed in here" gesturing to Alexander. Camus looked down at the employee, and with a swift move he pulled out some kind of note from his jacket, and almost shoved it in the face of the poor employee,saying with his head held high: "I am the Count of Permafrost, a very famous Idol, Camus is the name. And if you have a problem or anything to add, please talk to my Manager" You jumped a little by the mentioning of you, and thought to yourself: "You are not pulling me into this, Camus"

As the employee were still in chock over the note, and the little speech, you all hurried over to the escalators. No one being surprised by Camus' way of getting out of the problem.
At the end of the first escalator Ren saw something to his amusement, and he couldn't help himself, so he went over to Syo, bowed down a little to his level, and said: "Hey,Ochibi, I think I've found the right place for you to spend your day" pointing over at the playing area for the kids. Syo followed Rens finger, and twitched a little when he saw where he were pointing."Ren, how many times have I told you not to call me Ochibi?!" Syo hissed "But Ochibi-chan, you have the right height and all, it would be a great opportunity" Ren said with a smirk, shrugging. Syo flinched a little by the sound of his 'pet name' again, and blurted out: "Do you really want to die at Ikea, huh Ren?" "Oh you just come at me kiddo, see if you can reach my neck" Ren answered with a wink and a quite amused face, "That's it, I'm gonna freaking strangle you" Syo said, pulling up his sleeves, but then Natsuki put his arms around him from behind and whined: "Noo Syo-chan, don't do thaat, Ren-chan is only joking. Right Ren?" looking at Ren, who just smiled, and said with a supercilious look: "Of course I am" Syo scuffed, calmed down, and continued to the next escalator.

As you had all offcially entered Ikea, you all sat off for different destinations.
You, yourself were looking for some new pillows, a new duvet cover, and if you could find anything else to your liking, you would buy it.
Syo and Natsuki had gone off to God knows where, the same with Tokiya, Otoya and Cecil, and then poor Masato were being followed around by Ren, so now you stood back with Quartet Night, only wondering what was gonna go wrong this time. 

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