Chapter 2.3: The Drive: Reiji's Car

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Chapter 2.3: The Drive: Reiji's car

The drive was actually going really smoothly, taking the perspective of what you had expected from these four. None of them had been bickering, and nobody had said anything stupid, well that was at least until Reiji decided to open his mouth, and ask you: "Sooo (y/n)-chan, we've known eachother for quite a while now. So how about we ditch the three in the back, and find ourselves a nice double bed in Ikea?" your eyes widened at his question, and you were sure that the others in the back were all giving Reiji a death stare. Sure he came with some pretty weird, sometimes over the top jokes, but this one went right to your head, and out of reaction, you hit him the face.
You hit the driver in the face, well thought through.

Your impact with Reiji's face made him loose control over the car for a moment, and you somehow turned around in the middle of the road, and then got the right course again, due to Reiji's driving skills. Everyone in the car had gone to the left during the turn, and that meant that on the backseat Camus had gone face first into the window. Nobody in the car got the time to recover from the little loop they made, before Camus yelled: "Mikaze, get your damn hand out of my hair!" "Well I'm trying, but it would be a lot easier if you didn't move!" Ai said, with a calm voice while he tried to get his buttons out of Camus' hair. Ranmaru sighed before saying in a loud voice: "Hey, idiot, drive properly next time, would you? I don't want to die on my way to Ikea!" Reiji looked back at Ranmaru and whined: "But Ran-chan, she started it" pointing at you, "Me, you say?" you said pointing a hand to your chest, "It was your own fault with that stupid joke" you finished looking a little offended. Reiji pouted at you and Ranmaru said: "For Gods sake, keep your eyes on the road!" Reiji turned his head to the front window and both you and Ranmaru sighed. After a while Reiji seemed to have control over the car again, and you had calmed down, but Camus and Ai were still fighting Camus' hair and that made you say: "Why don't you just cut it of?" Camus' eyes widened in chock and he said in a stern voice: "Fool! Don't you dare touch my majestic hair with a scissor!" Ranmaru smirked a little and said calmly: "Well, I always carry a scissor around, you know just in case" pulling something out of his pocket, that wasn't quite a scissor. "Uhm, Ranmaru" You started, "That's not a scissor" Ai finished. Looking down at his hand, Ranmaru's eyes widened in chock as he saw the pilchards. Sure it didn't feel like a scissor, but how could he get it so much off? With a shift move, he put the pilchards back in his pocket and drew out a scissor. Out of curiosity you asked: "What's the pilchards for?" He looked sternly at you and said with grinded teeth: "None of your buisness" while handing the scissor to Ai. "Don't you dare Mikaze. I swear if you do it I will freeze you down for eternity!" Camus said. Ai looked at him for a second and then with a quick move, he pulled his buttons out of Camus' hair without using the scissor. Camus let out a whimper, and put his hand to his head caressing the area Ai pulled some of his hair out. He was thankful though, that he didn't use the scissor, this only pulling a few hairs out. Ai gave Ranmaru his scissor back, and everything went back to be quiet for about five seconds. And then Ranmaru yelled: "What the hell is that?!" everyone, except Reiji, turned their head to Ranmaru, who was sitting face to face with a dog. And not just any dog, Camus' dog, Alexander, who had popped his head out from the trunk. "How did he get in here?" you asked, looking as surprised as the others, except for Camus, who was looking the other way. Reiji looked in the rearview mirror to look at the dog, and then over at Camus, he couldn't find anything to say, so he just sighed. "Camus, get your stupid dog out of my face!" Ranmaru said, "Why is he even here" he continued with Alexander drooling on his jacket from the trunk. "First of, Alexander is not stupid, and second, he needed to get out, and I couldn't bare to leave him at home, so he is coming with us" Camus said certainly, you all sighed and then you spoke: "But Camus, animals are not allowed in Ikea, how are you planning to get him in" Camus smirked a little, and then said: "I have my ways." The car grew silent for a while, except for Alexander whos breathing got heavier and heavier right into Ranmaru's face. Then Reiji broke the silence: "Well we can't really turn around now, we're almost there. So let's just go with it, and see what the Count have up his sleeve. Ok?" you all nodded in agreement, even though Ranmaru looked like he could kill the dog in the trunk.

Even though it was silent, it didn't last for long, you had kinda expected it from them, so you weren't surprised when Ranmaru said to Camus: "Is it just me, or are your shirt getting a little tight around the stomach? Ice Queen" Camus looked disapprovingly at him and answered with his head held high: "Is it just me, or is that a grey hair? Oh no wait, all your hair is grey! Rockman" You and Reiji sighed deeply at the two fighting in the backseat, as they kept going with: "You should try going on a diet" Ranmaru said, "Maybe dying your hair would help a little" Camus retorted, Ai sat in the middle and whispered quietly to himself: "Somebody turn me off." But you heard it, and couldn't help but laugh a little at the robots comment. Ranmaru and Camus stared wickedly at eachother for a while, and finished the little fight of with one comment from both: "Fat" it came from Ranmaru, "Old" Camus said silently, as they both crossed their arms and turned to look out the windows. This was everyday to you, so you just went with it, knowing that they didn't hate eachother as much as they said they did. It actually also made you think about what you had to live with everyday, but you didn't really mind, you liked being with them, even though they fought, a lot. Somehow, that always made you smile. Reiji looked at you out of the hook of his eye, and smiled sincerely to himself, when he saw the smile you had on your lips. It was the one you never showed to anyone else than yourself, and when you thought no one was looking.

So after all it did turn out to be a normal drive with Quartet Night, with some small miscalculations happening, like a dog. The two idiots fighting were normal. The flirting/joking man was also an everyday thing. And then last but not least the robot who wanted to die was rare, but it was there. But finally, you could see the end of this driving hell, or heaven call it what you would. Out of the front window you could see it, the thing you had been waiting for. Ikea.

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