John Dory X Hunter reader - The Outside World

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You were born and raised in the putt putt troll village, always protected against all the dangers that existed in the outside world that you were unaware of.

However, despite this, you had a huge desire to go out and explore the world, see new places beyond that, new people, new cultures and who knows, other trolls, like the queen's younger sister, whom she hadn't seen in a long time. time.

You knew how to protect yourself if something threatened you, despite that, your parents forbade you from crossing the front gate.

You understood that they just wanted to protect you, but if being protected meant not being able to do what you wanted, you would rather take your chances in the outside world.

One night, you quietly took some of the weaponry, put it in a backpack along with other supplies, and left the putt putt village. 

Before leaving, you left a note, saying that you were leaving, but that you would return someday.

You knew your parents would be worried about you, but they gave you no other choice, you needed to see for yourself if the outside world was as dangerous as they said.

Surprisingly, you lived adventures in incredible places, met incredible people who encouraged you to continue your journey and whenever you encountered an angry beast that wanted to devour you, all you had to do was use your defense skills and you always emerged victorious.

When the food ran out, you started hunting for your own food. It seemed to taste better knowing you had hunted it.

Whatever made you make that decision, you didn't regret it.

One day, you were walking through a dense forest, reading a map they gave you that would guide you to your own adventure. Until suddenly, you heard a scream.

You stopped walking and remained completely silent, trying to locate where that scream was coming from, as it could be someone in need of help.

As soon as you located where those screams were coming from, you immediately ran as fast as your legs could carry you, pushing aside the leaves, branches, and vines that were in front of you.

When you saw it, the person who was screaming was a troll just like you, he was lying on the ground, looking helpless and about to be attacked by a giant monster with many eyes.

"Hold on!" You shouted, quickly lighting a torch and standing in front of him.

You knew those creatures were afraid of fire, so you knew the torch you made would ward it off.

Said and done, you brought the torch closer to the animal and moved it away from that place, until it was far away. Soon after, you went back to the unknown troll to see if he was okay, he was still on the ground, staring at you with his mouth open.

You knew he was a troll like you, but what caught your attention was that he was different from all the trolls you'd ever seen.

"U okay?" You asked, reaching out your hand to help him up.

He reached out his hand and you pulled him, however, he groaned in pain as he put one of his feet on the ground.

"Did you get hurt?" You asked.

"I think I sprained my ankle when I fell." He said. "But just so you know, I could definitely take care of that monster on my own."

"For sure." You laughed, putting one of his arms around your neck to lead you to safety.

You discovered he had a pet, an adorable vehicle named Rhonda. She was immediately happy to see he was safe.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He reassured her, stroking her huge forehead with both hands. "She saved my life, uhhhhh... I don't think I know what your name is."

You laughed and introduced yourself to him.

You helped him get in and got worried when you saw that he couldn't do the things he normally did because of his sprained ankle.

"I guess I'll have to take care of you until your ankle gets better." You said, leaving him surprised but at the same time in disbelief. The two of you barely knew each other and you were already worried as if you had known him for many years.

"Would you do that for me?" He asked.

"I can't leave you like this, I'd feel guilty." You explained. "But if you want I can go..."

"No, no, no, it's okay, I'd appreciate the help." He clarified, taking your hand in his. "Thank you."

You smiled and looked away shyly.

Over the next few days, as you took care of things at Rhonda while he couldn't get up, the two of you grew closer. He was a little annoying with his perfectionism, but he was also sweet, respectful towards you, and treated you well, always asking if you needed anything while you were there.

You would miss him and Rhonda when you had to leave, which didn't take long, within two weeks his foot was fine again.

As soon as he managed to stand up and stand on both feet, the first thing he did was give you a hug. Even though you didn't want to, you had to talk about that subject.

"Well, since you don't need me here anymore..."

"No, don't you dare finish that sentence." He interrupted you, taking your hand in his again. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"... Really?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, because..." He tried to think of an excuse. "Rhonda will miss you so much if you go."

"Rhonda?" You asked again between laughs.

"Okay, okay, I'll miss you so much if you go!" He confessed, looking you in the eye. "I... I love you."

You smiled and leaned over, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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