One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Japan 3rd Person POV: 

Poor table. By now it probably feels abused, Japan thought, banging her head against it. It wasn’t it’s fault, really. But nobody else was near enough for her to give an earful to. 

She had tried everything. Going into the police records, going into government records, and even trying to go through the security footage, but there was no audio. Japan had pretty much typed up every question she had to NATO, trying to see if that would reveal results, but each and every time, there had been a complication, or just zero and zip nothing. 

Curling her tail, she groaned, and laid her ears back against her head. She had been so positive that she had finally found the answers she needed. Even after the first few dead-ends, she continued on, forging new paths through the rough knowledge terrain. And each and every time, her directions had been wrong, leading to confusion and a headache. 

Sitting up, she typed, Thanks, NATO, really. I’ll think about this some more and try to figure out what else I can go off of.

She got a quick reply, and still marveled at the computer’s snappy results. No problem! I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you hoped it would. I wish I could do more, but, as it is, I’m still just a basic computer, and so I can’t offer any more assistance without knowing what it is you are looking for. 

Biting her lip, she sent back Yeah, makes sense. See you later! and powered her warm computer off. 

“I think I need some coffee and sleep,” she groaned, slipping off the chair. Blearly, she rubbed her eyes, willing them to stop hurting from her hours on the screen, but plodded on, into the kitchen. 

Japan wrinkled her nose when she saw the sun setting through her large windows. “Dang, I spent an entire day at that desk.” 

But, at the very least, she did still learn some things, even if it wasn’t exactly what she was hoping to learn. 

The first was that her own police station wasn’t the only one for police to receive strange calls and then quit their job, or get fired the very next day, leaving the calls unanswered. But when she tried to dig up those calls, they didn’t turn up, either. 

So whatever was happening, it wasn’t just some strange coincidence. It was a large-scaled problem that somebody refused to acknowledge. 

With this revelation came the thought of, well, who fired those policemen and women, or what incentivized the others to suddenly bail out? Who deleted the records? Why were they left unanswered? 

Despite her relentless probing, at different sights and through different camera angles, nothing told her what she needed to know. But, she did manage to snag the names of all the countries who were cast out of the police department, and then swarmed their social media accounts from everywhere, trying to find out if the motives truly were their own, or if it was directly linked to the calls. 

Only one country she found actually had quit on her own accord, and who had been wanting to do it for the longest time. But everybody else didn’t breathe a word about it, which was suspicious. 

After jotting down their individual phone numbers to contact later, she had sat there for a bit before taking a break and asking what the next movie to come out would be about. NATO humorly gave her the answers, and had actually joked that now she could go and impress her friends with the knowledge. 

Getting a plate out of the fridge, she placed the sushi in the microwave and while it spun around in a lazy circle, she watched the sun set.

From now on it'll be my own creation


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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