Chapter 5

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Mission with Levi

Two weeks passed Levi decided to stay with the corps. He had been silent and unapproachable. I realized then that I shouldn't judge him from where he came from and the lifestyle they had underground. I also learned from Erwin that Levi is an Ackerman.

I've read books about them. The Ackermans have an "awakened power" displayed by some members of the clan. Ackermans exhibit physical abilities much, much higher than the average human. That's what I've read about them, it fascinates me how some people have this ability. But what bothers me is that it is said that Arckermans are forced into hiding many years ago.



"Tiny Face" Levi said. I gave him a questioning look

"What? Tiny what?" For all I know he as well is short

"Erwin wants to meet us." He said in a serious tone

"Why? Is it something important? Why does he need me?" I said

"He wants to meet 'us'. Not you only." He said a bit snobbish

I rolled my eyes at him as we walk. I mean why is he this grumpy? He reminds me of a the little grumpy character from a book I've read. He acts like he's six foot tall.

I bumped into him while thinking many ways to insult him

"We're here" Levi said looking at me

I looked back at him, leveling his stare

"Brea, Levi I need you two to do something" Erwin broke the stares between us, I looked at him

"What is it?" I said

"We have some informations about illegal trades going around wall sina. It has something to do about a serum related to Titans powers" Erwin said in a serious tone

"Isn't that a job for the Military Police?" I asked

"It is but we need to know what's behind these serums in order for us to advance. That's when you two come along" he replied

I looked at Levi only to see him standing and leaning against the door while listening to Erwin talk

"So what are we going to do?"

Erwin told us what to do in our mission together as to how we need to spy and gather more information with these suspicious group.

Me and Levi decided that it's best if we act as civilians. Since he only joined the corps no one will suspect him keeping an eye on someone. We agreed to be a couple who is interested in these serums. From what Erwin has gathered this group has been spreading fake informations that the serums are meant for married couple who they want their babies to survive birth.

We got out of the carriage

"Mr and Mrs. Mintz?" The man asked as we both nodded our head

"You can now both go inside" A tall man said to us

We're at a town in wall sina that people barely go to. We got inside the old building. It is said that this is where they talk to their clients with interest in the serum.

"Mr and Mrs. Mintz, welcome please sit down" A man in his mid fourties' welcomed us. Me and Levi sat down in front of  the Man who I believe one of the Head dealer

"So you had a miscarriage? That's why you want this serum? Is that correct?" He asked

"Yes, it was a devastating incident" I said trying to act depressed

"My wife and I decided that we do not want to go through that situation again" Levi said seriously

I stared at him when he said "my wife" I don't know why but it sounds good when he said it

"What we need to do is that we need to inject it to your wife before she give birth to your baby 3 days before birth at least. We need you to come in contact with us so that we can inject it personally" The man explained

"How do we know it's safe for my wife? Can you explain how the serum works?" Levi asked

There is it again, he said it again. Damn why does his voice sounds so deep? I mean his a short guy! How can he have a deep voice like that?

"Basically this serum gives enough strength both for the mother and the child in order to survive birth, it is developed to have abilities that can surpass human strength which made them special." The man then explained it to Levi

I looked at the man who's in front of us. What did he say? Surpass human strength which made them special? I barely hear what they are talking about because I was suddenly reminded of a scene from the past

"Brea this is for you to be special enough so that your father can accept and love you" A woman said

"No!" I said crying and fighting them

Then suddenly a man pinned me down to my bed and strange fluid flow through my veins like poison


"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I got back to reality and saw Levi with a questioning look

"Huh? What?" I asked clearly not paying attention to what they're talking about

"I think my wife needs some rest" Levi said as we got up and exit the building

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