Chapter 12

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I felt someone picked me up, I slightly opened my eyes as I saw Levi, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or not but I smiled at the thought of Levi being this close to me. I unconsciously said

"You're so handsome and you smell so good too" with my sleepy voice as I once again closed my eyes

If this is a dream I would never want to wake up.

I woke up from my sleep feeling like I've never slept like this before, I looked around and noticed that I'm not in my room. I got up as soon as noticed and remembered I feel asleep last night.

I'm still at Levi's House! I got out from his Bedroom and went downstairs. I heard someone from the kitchen as I went there. I saw Levi preparing some food.

"Goodmorning" he said looking back at me

Weird I'm feeling anxious , I said to myself. I have never felt this in my entire existance. I have this weird feeling I can't even explain.

"Uhm goodmorning, where's Hange-san?" I asked hoping he wouldn't notice something

"She left early saying she needs to be with Eren and the others. I need to be there as well but I told her I would wait for you to wake up." He said casually

"Oh okay" I said

"You can come if you want" he added

I guess I will come after all I need to focus also on how we can retrieve Shiganshina District. I nodded my head as a response. Levi put the food he prepared at the table. I'm surprised that he can cook and it looks delicious too, well want can you expect from him? He can literally do anything.

We ate our food together and cleaned up after. Levi and I went together to where Hange and the other squad members are. Hange immediately noticed us and run towards me.

"Brea-chaaaan!!~~ where were you huh? I know you were at Levi's room what did you two do? Tell me!" She said as she runs towards me

This woman, It's a good thing that I love her and what is she saying that Levi and I were in his room? As far as I'm concern I was the only one sleeping there? Wait...

Did he??? I can't recall it properly. Did we slept in the same bed?? It's not impossible because Hange-san slept in his couch?? I looked at Levi. He was already looking at me and I felt my cheeks burning. I immediately look away from him

"No we didn't do anything Hange, I just fell asleep like you did. I didn't even know how I ended up in there as far as I can remember I fell asleep outside with..." I didn't even finished what I was trying to say when I remembered that I feel asleep on Levi's shoulders!

"With who?? You fell asleep with who?" Hange ask clearly want to tease me once I say who it is

"Nevermind Hange, focus on eren!" I said

I walked toward the other troupe members, as faras I can remember there's sasha, connie, jean, mikasa, and armin. Eren is in the field still trying to master his crystal hardening. I chatted a little bit with the kids

"So brea-chan I heard you can equally fight with captain Levi" Jean said

"Who would win a fight if you two fought?" Connie asked

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