Chapter 10

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The Female Titan

It has been months since we last saw the colossal and armored titan. Erwin is now planning to do another Expedition in 3 days time. As we are given the time to prepare others are now training and Erwin told us that we should stick by Eren's side for the upcoming expedition together with Mikasa.

We planned on doing another expedition to reach Shiganshina District the home town of Eren Jeager which is where we need to go to the basement of their house in order to unlock the secrets of Titans. Erwin showed us what kind of formation the troupes should follow, with only the few of us knowing the actual plan Me  and Levi will be together as well as the special operations squad protecting Eren.

3 days have passed...

"This will be the 57th Expedition outside the walls! Advance my soldiers!" Erwin said with authority in his voice

Our horses began running across the fields as we kept on advancing while our cloaks covered our faces. Eren and Mikasa are in front with Levi's squad. While me and Levi are at the back. Titans came running towards us but with the best soldiers around it was easy for us to get through them.

We saw a Black smoke signal coming from our right, next is to our left and the last is from behind. Black smoke signal means Abnormal Titans are approaching. Abnormal Titans are sometimes harder to kill that Pure bred Titans.

A soldier came running towards us with his horse. It's evident in his face that he is somewhat scared.

"There's a Female Titan coming this way! We don't know if it's an A-Abnormal Titan but it behaves as if it knows combat training! We have lost a lot of s-soldiers just by trying to kill the Female Titan. I-It's now headed this way." He said stuttering

I looked at Levi and he is now looking at me. I turned my head towards Eren and Levi's Squad

"Eren stick with us. Mikasa go with the other soldiers-"

"But Eren-" Mikasa said

"He has us Mikasa. You don't need to worry about him now. Levi and I will keep an eye on him. Squad Levi is also here to protect him" I said. Mikasa nods her head and head back to some of the soldiers that needs help.

We saw the Female Titan on it's way to our direction

"Levi let Erwin know that The Female Titan is following us" he nods his head at me and orders the soldier that told us about the Female Titan to tell it to Erwin

"Let's go straight to the high trees!" Levi said

We run towards the forest with Levi leading the way and Eren on his back while his squad are besides Eren. Me on the other hand stayed at the back. The Female Titan indeed knows fighting combats. The soldiers on our back are already dead the minute she got her hands on them.

"It's catching up Levi!" I said shouting. I can't just barge in and attack the female titan without a plan.

"Just let her take me! I can't stand seeing other squad members die for me!" Eren said already crying

I run towards Levi in front to know if he has any plans. He looked at me and nods. I immediately know what he meant by that. He then looks at his squad. They all nod at Levi as a sign that they know what to do.

Eren looked at us and Levi told him that he needs to trust us. At first Eren is hesitant. He wanted to fight the Female Titan with his Titan form but in the end he has no choice but to trust us. Me and Levi are with Eren in front to protect him. We head straight to Erwin for he has a plan on cornering the Female Titan in the depths of the forest.

We finally met Erwin and the rest of the soldiers at the center of the forest as the Female Titan followed us through it. Erwin ordered Keiji to prepare explosives to detach the limbs of the Female Titan

Levi took the opportunity to intimidate the Female. Realizing that she was cornered, The Female Titan screamed to attract all the Titans in the area around the forest to her position. Erwin gave an order for all soldiers to defend the Female Titan at any cost. Suddenly steams from the Female Titan emitted from her and the Falling Titans around her.

I suspected that the human behind this Titan escaped. I told Erwin that it might be possible that the Female Titan is still active and is just around the corner. Erwin ordered me and Levi to find where the Female Titan might be. Survey Corps leaders fired the appropriate signal flare for retreat. I looked behind me and suddenly the Special Operations Squad are no where behind us.

"Levi, your squad where are they?" I ask him as we are flying around with our ODM gear

We suddenly saw lighting which signalized that a Human transformed into a Titan. The two of us looked at each other and then goes straight to where the lightning was.

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands as we saw the Special Operations Squad covered with blood, broken bones and missing parts of their bodies. I looked at Levi only to see him emotionless. This is not a new sight to see. I regain my composure and finally taking this Expedition seriously.

The female titan knows how to fight. She killed squad Levi and is after Eren. Erwin would always told me that I need to hold back when fighting, but things are getting so much worst. I need to do something.

As we are going back we saw Mikasa trying to chase the female titan. This only means that the female titan got Eren. Without a doubt me and Levi followed Mikasa. It is clear to see that she's at rage. She has been so protective of Eren ever since I met these two. It is clear that he is somewhat special to her.

We caught up to Mikasa and tried to calm her down because charging in without a plan won't do any good in saving Eren. Now that we are aware the the female titan has the ability to harden its flesh. We knew when and where to attack. I didn't hold back into reclaiming Eren. Mikasa with rage tried to kill the female titan.

"Focus on rescuing Eren!" Levi shouted.

I blinded her eyes by slicing it up real fast and then I sliced her ankles, Levi slicing up her hands. Now that she can't see and run I then sliced up her mouth for it to open and reveal Eren. Levi immediately took Eren from it's mouth, Mikasa still with rage still tried to slice up its nape but then I stopped her from doing it.

"Calm down. We got Eren now, he's a special friend of yours right?" I said to her. He looked at Eren and we eventually head back

I looked back at the female titan only to see it crying

Humanities Fearless Female Soldier (Attack On Titan)Where stories live. Discover now