Chapter 9

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Wall Maria

It's my last day here at the Old Castle as per Erwin instructed. Eren and Hange keeps on doing test with his Titan Powers all day which makes Eren exhausted from all the test.

"Eren!" Mikasa said as she approached eren and help him out of his titan form

"Hey... That gloomy brat is acting on her own again" Levi said as he watched Mikasa

"Hange I think that's enough for Eren today. Look at his Titan, that's now how it used to look like the first time he transformed" I said with concern. These kids are to young to suffer from these kinds of situations

As we head back to the castle someone from the corps was waiting outside.

"Brea-Chan, Hange-san, Captain Levi!" He said

"What?" I said

"The three of you are needed as by Commander Erwin's request. Wall Maria has been breached by the Titans! The Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan made a hole in the wall which made the Titans passed through it!" The man said with a hint of panic.

The three of us then got to Erwin as soon as possible. Eren together with Mikasa and Armin came along with us. We arrived at the headquarters as the three of us go straight to Erwin.

"When did it happen? Where's the Colossal and Armored Titan now?" I asked Erwin

I don't like Titans as much as Hange-san but my eagerness to learn more about them has lead me to join the Corps. I grew up with Erwin, he is the type who wants to know what's beyond the walls. He create theories which made me come to conclusions that these theories have endless possibilities. I discovered my skills and strength at the age of 9 and started training seriously when I became a Cadet. The head instructor of the Military Training Corps easily noticed the skills I have in fighting, which is way more advance than my other batch mates and scout members. I then graduated Top of the Class.

We have come up with a plan to take over Wall Maria with the help of Eren's Titan Ability. We discuss how we can execute on trying to take over Wall Maria. Erwin, Hange, Miche, Levi and I stayed at the room while we discuss some private matters.

"It appears to be that someone from the corps are spying our every move. This has not happen in the past 100 years." Miche said

"I have come up with the conclusion that the Colossal and Armored Titan might just be like Eren. They're human beings that have the ability to transform into Titans" I said

Everyone looked at me. Giving me the time to continue explaining my theories.

"Like we have gathered, the colossal and armored titans are different from pure bred titans. These are not pure Titan nor Abnormals. Everytime the colossal and armored titan showed up they have the same thing as to how Eren transforms. Lightnings. They also have the ability to suddenly disappear " I continued

"So you mean to say there's more like Eren? This is getting exciting!!" Hange said

"If these theories are correct we need to be on guard with our every move. We also need the informations of every Cadet that graduated from the recent batch." Erwin said

I couldn't help but look at Levi, he seems quiet the whole meeting while also looking at me. After Erwin dismissed us, I go straight to the training room. I feel like I can't sleep knowing that Titans are now entering beyond the walls.

I kept punching the bag as my thoughts deepened. These incidents are getting worse as time passed by, and the mysteries from my past are not helping either. Erwin noticed my skills before I started training seriously. He graduated first before me. He told me that I am much more stronger compared to the strength of a normal human being. I'm not an Ackerman either which makes me think, what is the mystery of my past? Why can't I remember anything from it?

I kept on punching the punching bag harder and harder as I am being frustrated with the situations. Erwin told me that it's best if I hold back in every Expeditions to avoid suspicions of my skills. I have always wondered who my parents are. I don't remember having a family at all. I was only 6 years old when Mr. Smith took me in. I didn't notice that I was punching the punching bag hard enough for it to flew across the room.

"Didn't think you'd be strong enough to break the punching bag and making a dent to the wall" Levi said watching me as he was leaning in the door frame

I looked at him and sigh. I guess that's enough punching for today. I drank some water to hydrate me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I heard you from the outside, it seems to me that something is bothering you." He replied

There it is again the new side of him. I don't get why he sometimes makes me feel like he's concerned and other times he treats me like he doesn't even know I exist. Still frustrated with my thoughts I asked him

"Why are you concerned about me? Why do you treat me like I'm important to you or something? And then the next day you make me feel like I don't exist in your world."

He only looked at me thinking if he should answer my question or not. He often doesn't show emotions.

He was about to exit the room when I spoke again

"You're avoiding my questions again, Levi. You know what? Your actions makes me confuse and it's not helping." I said as I walked out on him first

The next days where only like the usual. We continued studying Titans and coming up with better plans. I haven't talked to Levi ever since that incident on the training room. I sometimes see him but most days he would be on guard with Eren.

Meanwhile I do my own research about Eren's Titan powers and other days I still do research about my past.

Today Erwin asked me to go with Hange to see the next test they will be putting on Eren. I know Levi would be there along with his squad.

"Okay! That's enough for today! Thank you Eren you may rest" Hange said

I walked towards Eren and his friends, Mikasa and Armin are here too as well as the others.

"I see you've finally mastered Transforming into your Titan form huh?" I said to Eren smiling

"Yes I'm getting used to it by now."Eren replied

I greeted Mikasa and the others too. I've been avoiding Levi the rest of the day, him only looking at me. I don't expect him to approach me either. We walk back inside the Cabin to call it a day.

"Alright guys let's head back inside the cabin so we can rest and eat" Hange said

"Yes! Dinner!!!" Sasha excitingly said. I smiled at how she's so excited when it comes to food

Humanities Fearless Female Soldier (Attack On Titan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora