Arena , Part 1

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I've been so busy , and I hate this story anymore, I wrote it three years ago when I was younger but I'll finish it! It's almost over, I may or may not make a second book but after this one, I'm taking a break from the story line. I'll be making more stories and I have some interesting plots I think you guys would like.
Vote , comment as always and thank you all. I am so sorry I haven't posted in forever

"Ladies and gentlemen, Bidders and leaders. Whether you're here to win the title, to bet, or simply watch for pure enjoyment, we're back once again!" Derrick has put on his showy attitude, a mic clipped to his ear, leading to his mouth. He walks across the platform with spunk, gesturing around the room, causing a roar of shouts. This is a mad house. It's completely packed, people are still coming in from the entrance! I can't even imagine how the other seating's on this side looks like, this is only the first room.

I hold down my bouncing leg, not missing how one of the components notice. I should keep the innocent card playing, but I don't want to seem so easy that they all head for me at once. That'd be a mistake. I'm not so sure how long to keep this card playing, and what I should do.

I look over to see if I can spot mark, I had forgot all about him being up here! I turn around, derrick's voice faint in my ear as he speaks something to do with the arena's history. Something I could honestly care less about. I know it is mandatory for derrick to act all excited about slaughter. It's crazy how much people know of this place without it being cracked down by cops. People are being killed here for entertainment!

I spot the familiar face on the first gate, mark seems to be listening to derrick, his face stone and unamused. Which is something new. John did tell me mark's a completely different person when fighting, I'm starting to believe it. I know if I wave at mark, he won't see me, he's  zoned out.

I seem to catch unwanted attention from opponents who are at their post once awhile and some are anxiously bouncing around, discreetly practicing their moves. Great, I'm the only one that seems to be focusing on small unimportant things. 

"Hey, heads up, you're going to be the last one called up, so start thinking of your impression. I would suggest using your innocence to key, not so vulnerable , but vulnerable enough where the ones going after you won't seem to care much about. Most likely they'll try to take the strongest one's out, which is obviously the giant woman or Isaac. But then again, they can always switch tactics. Just think of it for the short remaining time you have, they're about to call them up now." Shadow whispers lowly, which is enough for me to hear since his voice is in my ear. Literally.

I nod, not really sure if he can see me.

Okay, Should I act frightened or just slightly anxious? I want to seem easy, but not too easy. The outfit marco put me in is already helping with my unfrightening image.

"Alright, lets start welcoming the fighters shall we?" Derrick shouts to the crowd with his arms spread out, causing cheers and whoops.

Why the hell are people so excited about this? People are literally being killed for money, it seems more of a sport than anything. Why would ashton support this?

I take a deep breath, Kind of thankful that i'll be the last one up.  I step closer to the gate, grasping it tightly in anticipation.

"Gate number 1!" Derrick turns facing us, walking towards the entrance of the walkway. I hear a loud creaking sound, seeing mark's gate automatically open for him. Mark straightens up and tightens his jaw, walking the way to the main walkway without hesitating. He seems like a fierce component. I hate to see him here with me.

My eyes find roman across this huge arena room, his eyes are already on me, he doesn't show worry or fear, he just stares with what seems to be telling me "Hang in there." The only thing I can do is slightly smile, confirming that I will. Even if he's far away on the other side of the room, I feel like he's beside me.

Beauty within the beastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant