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The predator looks at me and mutters something in Russian, although he is a man of pure evil , his Russian is beautiful and that is something I can't deny.
He continues muttering words under his breath as he walks towards me.

He gently takes my arm and starts walking me to the door like I'm an unstable child. But I do not refuse and let him tug me out the room. I will not follow by my own will.

He continues leading me down a long hallway, it has gold patterns aligned on the walls that seem to be silk wallpaper. There is golden chandeliers on the ceilings of the hallway, The floor is marble, it is simply magnificent. I feel as if I've entered a five star hotel.

"Is this a hotel?" I mumble, looking around astonished.

"No. I live here, and now, so do you." he says as he continue leading me down this never-ending hallway.

Who could of known a evil predator such as him, lives in such luxury?
I mean come on! If he's that rich then why would he take me? Why would he even need me when he has all of this! Whatever his motive is, I'm sure he can buy whatever he needs, rather than kidnapping me.

I frown and rip away my arm from him and cross my arms like an unhappy child. He looks at me but says nothing and we continue walking. Suddenly he takes a left and we head down another Hallway. How many hallways are there??

I see an elevator door ,watching as he presses the "1" button.
I hear cheesy elevator music which makes me scoff obnoxiously. The music is calming, which is the opposite of how I am feeling, it irks me at how normal this seems which is obviously not so normal at all.

The predator sends me a look with a raised eyebrow.

"Who could of known a predator could own such luxury?"I send him a pointed look.

He narrows his eyes.
"Who could of known a hostage who's life is threatened, could be so confident and rude to her captor?"he retorts with a satisfying smile. I clench my jaw shut and say nothing as my fingernails angrily dig into my arms. I also hate how he has smart ass retorts.

After what seems a minute I mumble
"I hate you."

He sends me another smug look "I'm aware."

*ding* The elevator door opens and I'm baffled at the luxury of his place once again. It took awhile just to get down here so how many floors up were we? This makes me feel all the more lost and confused. I feel more small than I had before.

The floor is a shiny black and white checkered tiled floor. The ceiling has gold patterns with a huge chandelier. This room is huge. There is a fireplace with fancy designer couches and chairs. There's a huge kitchen not too far away from this living area and a dining room behind. I can see a man sitting on a bar stool near the kitchen bar.

"Cal!" The predator shouts, almost startling the poor man to death.

Cal turns around and sends him a lopsided smile. Not phased by his rudeness or loudness.

"She's awake." he states, taking the time to study me.

I recognize him by his voice as the German dude. He has sandy blonde hair, a tough built body, not overly, but you can tell he does some kind of extreme sport. His eyes are an odd light blue and also has a strong jawline. He's wearing a tight black muscle shirt with casual pants and looked to be in his late twenties. Just as striking as the predator.

I awkwardly look away, feeling smothered by his gaze.

He walks up and offers me a hand
"Hi, I'm cal." he greets kindly, his German accent is heavy. Why the hell is he acting decent?

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