Confidence is key.

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Finally I am posting again! I am sorry for the late update but I've been dealing with things. And now I'm dealing with a family member's death but I'll be back to updating quicker,hopefully! This chapter is again, long and maybe draggy, but i've been cramming all that i can into each chapter before ending. Thank you to all my supporters, and again, vote and comment if you liked this chapter!



"Her name is mercy, which is opposite of everything this woman is." Vader then lays out a picture of a woman on the table in front of me. We are in one of the private rooms, Vader had finally gotten the names and backgrounds of the people I will be fighting. After training on that awful platform with Silvia, Vader had immediately dragged me away here. Roman had other things to do so it is just john, Landon , Vader and I right now.

I study the picture carefully.

A woman probably in her mid forties- with a buzz cut and a scar on her neck- stares blankly ahead, and apparently she's from Romania. Her hands in the pictures look calloused and faint traces of bruises can also be seen, telling me that she fights diligently.

"I had met her a long time ago. She is actually very nice, but since she's aiming to win this, unfortunately she may go after you, and if that is so, you have no choice but to kill her." Vader says this while pacing back and forth in front of the table, his eyes hard and his jaw set. It's no more joking and playful banters. I feel like I'm in an interrogation room, the lights bright and accusing, the walls white and uncomfortable.

"She moves quick, she's swift and not even you will be able to tell what she's going to do before she does. Your tactic with her should be to try to get her closest to the edge as possible, maybe you can get her to fall off, maybe even let her get caught in someone else's fight. Don't always try to take someone head on, remember to think strategic. A lot of things will be going on all at once so it'll be hard. But you can try." Vader then slaps another photo on the table. Quickly forcing my mind to wander off once more. I sigh, leaning on my hand and study yet again another person.

"This is Lance. A fifty year old from Boston, who is known for his street fighting. He belongs to one of the small groups, but do not let that get to your head. This man isn't defined by his age or his status in the gang world." Vader picks up the picture, holding it closer to my face. The man's face is covered in stubble and slight traces of wrinkles.

"This guy doesn't follow plans, he's going to try and pick the weakest links first. He will go after you without a doubt. He's taller, he's stronger, but he isn't so swift. Use your swiftness." As vader lays down the picture, john takes his turn and slaps another picture down.

"Canon. I used to work with him long ago, he's apart of terrevolt's organization so he's not going to be focusing on you, you don't have to worry about him unless he pulls a dick move and goes against terrevolt. He's a twenty year old from Switzerland but has lived in California for five years. He's really quiet and reserved, he knows when to strike and when to play possum." John stares down at the picture, a hint of sadness flashing across his eyes knowing that he's most likely going to die.

"How come he's going up to fight if he's with terrevolt? He obviously can't kill me unless he's defying terrevolt. He can kill the other's but he will have to die if i'm still alive. That's a suicide wish!" I question out loud, wondering why in the world this man would do that for the sake of this pathetic and stupid organization.

"Well the only reasonable explanation is that he's forced to fight up there so that there's a bigger chance that you survive. But I honestly believe cannon would of offered himself up if he wasn't forced to, he's been sick of being stuck there, maybe he wants to die." Landon murmurs, heaving a sigh. Landon would know since he has been forced to hang out with terrevolt's people due to ethlania trying to fish him into their schemes.

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