Beauty within the beast

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Note: From author , If you like my story please vote, comment, etc, If anyone has constructing criticism that is welcomed as well. Thank you to all ( If any ) who reads this, I hope you like it.


My blood runs cold as I come face to face with this.. Man. His eyes cold, his pose radiating dominance, his snide menacing smirk on display. He looks me over, studying me carefully, him the predator , I the prey.

I am frozen, every bone decides to shut down, and I feel nothing can help me. The man strides towards me, my only immediate reaction is to tremble. I begin to back away, but I end up tripping backwards over my own feet. He looks down at me, his eyes glowing with excitement as he effortlessly picks me up by my arm, pressing a cloth to my face. I slowly start to drift unconscious, and I swear I hear him chuckle. I struggle and scream, but my screams are unfortunately muffled by the cloth. Then everything


4 hours ago


It is an ordinary Wednesday, the sun peeks through the cold gloomy November clouds, a sight I enjoy on my walk back to school. I wrap my arms around myself, this worn out hood gives me no warmth as I continue my short trek to school. My brunette hair sticks to my face as the wind whips violently. Nothing seems unusual, or out of the ordinary, besides the feeling in my stomach that something will happen today. Something good or bad? I cannot tell. Just something. This is just a usual Wednesday, I usually eat at the diner afterwards and head back to school, just another normal day. Or so I thought..

I see the old brick walls of the school come in sight,causing a sigh of relief to escape me, walking everyday can cause a strain on your legs. It certainly does with mine. It's great to get some fresh air, but doing this every single day makes it a bore. It takes the joy out of something that should be considered enjoyable. School will do that.

My eyes dart to a group of freshmen heading their way back to school from their lunch break, a smirk finding it's way onto my mouth as the little clique struts on the sidewalk. They'll soon learn high school isn't what they thought it would be. They may walk the schools halls with confidence and dominance, but soon, they'll be cowering in corners, begging not to go.

I make my way to the entrance, staring at the smudged glass doors, thanking nobody in particular that this will be the last year I will be seeing these neglected windows. I am growing tired of this place, of the boring routine, of forcing myself to get out of bed to sit in a room full of rude and inconsiderate teenagers. I open the door and walk in, crowds of teens push and shove their way to class. Do you just love rude teenagers?

I take a step forward, only to be shoved harshly against a locker as a guy hastily makes his way to his class. I guess no one in this school knows of common courtesy. I rub my shoulder and wince ,assuming he plays football. I'm always seen as invisible so it's not a surprise to be basically ran over by a fellow student. Being invisible has it's perks, believe me, but as well as it's downfalls. This being one of them.

I make my way to class once I recover from the shock and pain, and head to the back of the room, I cross my arms and put my head down, quickly falling into a slumber. At least this is the last class of the day, i'll be able to sleep in private soon.

I'm just.. Boring, ordinary, nothing new. I have a normal family, I look pretty normal. I guess the only slightly different thing is I have no companions, or pets.. I am basically an outcast, but I honestly don't mind. When I first went to this school, my plan was to make some friends, then i realized it really wasn't a main priority for me so I just didn't try. It's not that bad as people make it out to be.

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