Landon or maybe Rain

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!Tw: mention of sexual assault and rape!

-Back to the story-

Landon, Chloe's little brother, was loading his bus to sit with his girl best friend and let's face it, his only friend who didn't care about the fact that he was still trying to find out his identity. Landon was questioning his identity because he thought maybe he was a girl. He always liked feminine things like makeup and dresses but never voiced this to his sister. His best friend Irsa asked if she could do his makeup again and he said of course. This was the only time he ever got his makeup done. People made fun of him for it but he didn't really care. He was finally happy. But he still wasn't happy in his body. He didn't like the fact that he was a boy or anything he had. On Tuesday, the day Chloe found Tim and Charlie, He finally saw what was wrong.
Last year his mom remarried and when she did her new husband would sexually assault him. He would also rape him every chance he got. To this day the only people who know about it were his Irsa and his mother because she caught him in action. She left him after that and has been a single mother working 3 jobs to support her 2 kids.
On Tuesday he saw what was wrong with his body. He was a boy and he didn't want to be. He wanted to be a girl. So, when he got onto the bus that morning he told Irsa that he was a girl and that his preferred name was Rain. He didn't want to tell his sister just yet but he knew that he had to tell her at some point.
Rain was so happy to finally be happy about his gender identity. But he still wasn't happy. He wanted to be a full girl and not have any boy parts.
The following day after school he went up to his sister and said "Chloe i'm a girl and I go by her/her pronouns and my preferred name is Rain. I dont care what you think because this is me. I have already told mom but I wanted to wait and tell you." Chloe looks at her little sister and say "I dont care what your gender is or what your name is, you will always be my little sibling and nothing can change that. I love you for who you are. But I kinda already knew, I mean you are always wearing makeup and stealing my clothes." Chloe laughs as she starts to comfort her little sister who had started to cry. Rain was so happy that her big sister didn't care about her gender and the fact that she changed it.
Chloe took Rain to the Mall to buy her some clothes. Rain got some dresses, some nice blouses and some really cute swimsuits that would hide the fact that she was born a boy. Rain was so happy that summer was almost here. She was going into 6th grade next year and her birthday was only a couple of weeks away and she was so excited. She had never been this happy and the fact that everyone she cares for didn't care that she was a she not a he.

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