chapter 3 kids being kids

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Whahsuychsbsud hi.

You are only allowed to read this in a deep British accent voice or bob Ross's voice, not any other.



Tallulah went home with a letter.
Wilbur was really confused, she didn't look to fazed by the letter, she couldn't really read it too, because of all the big words in it but she did try her best to explain to her daddy.

"Teacher said you must read that." Tallulah said briskly.

"Well what is it?"

"I dunno."

Wilbur opened the letter he read what was on the page and saw that it was a letter about a parent meeting. He read why and saw that the letter told him why they were having it, it was a 2 monthly thing but this time it was about them getting a new teacher aswell.

He smiled, looking at the letter.

"Was your other teacher good?"

Tallulah nodded as she was eating a chicken and mayo sandwich with cucumber.

"Well what were they like?" Her father asked.

Her feet was dangling. "She was very nice! She shares sweets for the other kids!" Tallulah said happily.

Wilbur smiled, "do you have any information about the new teacher."

Tallulah nodded again, "yeah. I know he is a boy."

"Anything else Tallulah?" Wilbur called out, Tallulah wasn't listening she was now drawing a butterfly.

"Tallulah?" He called out again, still no response.

He sighed, she has that habit alot, she'd forget she's talking to somebody, he hoped that would stop once she got older.

He went to go sit down by the table.  She was on the other side, drawing away. He smiled watching his daughter draw. He then went on his phone to check something. He walked around with his phone, not paying attention to Tallulah at the minute because of the message he got from his friend. As he was talking with his friend he suddenly heard a loud thud. He turned around to where the thud was and it was the chair Tallulah was sitting on but no Tallulah. He put off his phone and turned around to find Tallulah on the table, dancing in circles with a crayon in his hand.

"Tallulah!?" Wilbur gasped.
"What the frick are you doing!?
How did you get up there!!?!?!?!"

Wilbur said chuckling, picking her up by her tiny legs and gave her many kisses on her forehead and cheeks as she giggled laying down into his arms.

"I was dancin'." She exclaimed.

"Well don't do it on the table!" Wilbur said tickling her.

She laughed loudly hitting her dad softly on his chest. He walked her around the house and then threw her onto the couch as she giggled more.

"Don't throw me!"

"Don't run up on the floor you baby!" Wilbur stuck his tounge out.

Tallulah gasped, "I'm not a baby!" She pouted.

"Yes, you, are."



Tallulah then got swept up again onto her dad's lap and got kissed on the forehead, she giggled at her dad again and then he put on the TV as they relaxed watching Adventure time for a bit.

Somewhere in the orange. (Georgebur and Tallulah)Where stories live. Discover now