chapter 4 He looks familiar

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I need to spread awareness for Georgeburr!!??!?!?!?!?


Wilbur heard his timer on his phone and knew it was time to go to the parent meeting for his sweet darling little girl.

He got his keys and drove to the school and when he got there he saw his little girl run into his arms.

"Hey baby!" He lifted her up and hugged her.

"Hey daddy! I want you to meet my friends!!!" She said happily as she as now on her father's neck.

"Really? Who are they?" Wilbur put her down again as she he held her hand and pulled him to her friends.

It was another toddler, he was wearing a small tuxedo with a silly little hat on.

Tallulah pointed at him, "this is Dapper!! He is my friend!!!" She said happily.

"Hello again Tallulah! Is this your daddy? Wow! He is really tall!!! This is my dad!" Dapper said, pointing to his father that was much smaller then Wilbur. He dressed the same way as his son and Wilbur shook his hand.

"Wilbur." "Darry but call me Bad." They nodded at each other as they're hands let go.

"Nice to meet you." Wilbur greeted.

"You're sweet darling Tallulah is such a sweetheart." He complimented.

"Thanks, I love how you dress you're kid, he's so cute in that dapper outfit." Wilbur chuckled.

"Yeah, so did you just move here?"

"Yeah, we did. She looks like she's getting along with some kids greatly. I think that's wonderful."

"That's great for her but what about you? Why did you move here?" Bad asked.

"Uhhh, reason being is the mom said she doesn't want to be in her life at all, and so we left for Tallulah's sake. She doesn't even know her mother, not even her face, so what's the problem of leaving? But yeah that's why." Wilbur answered, shifting softly.

"That sucks man, but it's good you left then if something were to happen, what about you meeting new people, how's that going along?" Bad asked more.

"Ah, that's not going well at all. How long have you been staying here then?" Wilbur asked.

"Uh, this is my home town actually. I left when I was younger for university and then soon later I got child and I came back here. It really is a good place to raise a kid here." Bad answered.

"That's great, do you know anybody here though?" Wilbur asked chuckling.

"Oh yeah I do, I know alot of people here, I can hook you up with some friends. You see that women and that guy over there talking to their kid with the yellow hat?" Bad asked.

"Uh yeah, I do, what about them?"

"So the women is my friend, she is Jaiden, and the other guy is her husband. She's really cool. She works at the local aquarium." Bad said.

"And you see that guy over there with the blue hat and holding the little girl with the duck toy, yeah that's Quackity, he's really nice." Bad explained.

Wilbur spotted someone he thought looked really familiar, they had a mushroom hat on that he could of sworn he saw before. He decided to ask bad about him.

"Oh hey, who's that guy over there with the mushroom hat?"

Bad turned around and smiled, "oh that's George, He's really nice, he works at the local book store." He explained.

"I've seen him before."

"That's cool. Oh-! There's the bell, we should go!" Bad said as he called over Dapper.

Wilbur called over Tallulah and walked inside.

Somewhere in the orange. (Georgebur and Tallulah)Where stories live. Discover now