chapter 5 we'll talk while the slide show.

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Wilbur was inside the teachers classroom, it was just as you expect, really creative and full of colors. Wilbur was standing with all the parents around them, there was a coffee machine for the parents. Wilbur took a cup obviously for himself, he loved coffee. Wilbur had already met a few people from waiting for the principal to come along and he got numbers and had good conversations already.

All the kids went inside another room to play together while the parents stayed inside the classroom.

There was a projector, pointing to the white board. There was a new teacher that no parent has seen before and the principal.

"Hello parents! It's great seeing you all here. The reason why we wanted to have this parent meeting is that we have a new teacher, Mrs Sarah." Everyone clapped for her by the principals words. "She will be teaching your children. Now we would like to encourage you, the parents, to please stop letting your kids be exposed the internet. It's became a habit that some kids are starting fights and bullying other kids for things that they don't know that's on the internet. They're to young for this and they don't need it-" the principal got cut off by a women.

"Why is it a problem!?' she had bubble gum in her mouth with a full face of make-up.

"It's a problem cause it's sad how these kids are growing up with standards even though they're only 4 years old. They don't need to be exposed to pop music and rap, it's sad -"

"You aren't supposed to be talking!? You don't even have kids, and what's the harm, I think it's cute!"
The women dressed up all in pink said.

The principal and her had started a debate, most People commented on it, but as for Wilbur he leaned over a desk as he felt a bump on his shoulder.

"I think this debate is really silly." A guy with a mushroom hat on whispered to him.

Wilbur stopped drinking his coffee and stared at the guy. "Y-yeah, it really is. You look really familiar." Wilbur whispered back.

The guy turned around and smiled at him.

"You do to. Didn't I see you then other day at my shop?"

"Yes! I did, I didn't catch your name."

"It's George."

George? Wilbur felt small butterflies in his tummy but ignoring them.

"That's lovely, my name is William but call me Wilbur." Wilbur shaked his hand and they shared a touching look.

"Wanna get out of here and see how the kids are doing. I don't really like these parent meetings."
Wilbur whispered to him.

George nodded and walked out the door quietly. When they got out, they shared a giggle and smile.

"It's really lovely to meet you. I haven't stumbled into anyone else who's British and I don't really need host o fit in here." Wilbur explained.

"I haven't found any British people either, you're not alone." George chuckled.

They soon stood by the door of where the kids were. The kids didn't notice them at all. They watched them as the other student teacher was playing with them.

"So, who's your kid?" George asked.

Wilbur loved how friendly George was to him. He didn't even know why he was loving it, he never really saw himself gay, he began to be mess with his feelings and over think but he then calmed down again and tried answering the questions that George was giving him.

"Uh, that one with the yellow sweater, with the hat, she's mine, my daughter Tallulah." Wilbur answered, pointing to his daughter.

George awhed, "she's adorable, my kid is that one over there. He's name is Liam . The one with mushroom hat." George smiled at Wilbur.

"He looks really sweet. Hopefully Tallulah and him are friends. Maybe. . . If we can set them a play date?" Wilbur felt butterflies fish over him as he asked that question, he was shocked that he could even ask that.

George then put his finger on his chin.

"I'll think about it. how about we settle that thought over tea?"

"Well how will I do that?"

"Tomorrow, 10am, sharp." George smirked.

Wilbur grinned.

"I'll see you then."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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