Chapter 10 | A fresh beginning |

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Time passed, and the support of Taehyung, Jisoo, Jimin, and Jungkook played a pivotal role in Jennie's remarkable recovery. She regained her strength and vitality, emerging from her ordeal with a newfound appreciation for life.The hospital room, which had once been a place of uncertainty and concern, now held the promise of a brighter future. Jennie was completely fine, her health fully restored. Her laughter filled the room, replacing the beeping of machines with the melody of her joyful spirit. Jennie with a radiant smile said "I can't believe I'm back to my old self again. It's like a second chance at life.v"Taehyung said "You've shown incredible strength, Jennie. I'm so proud of you." Jisoo took her in a warm hug "Welcome back, Jennie. We've missed you so much."Jimin said while grinning "Your resilience is truly inspiring, Jennie."Jungkook said "Now that you're back, can we go to mansion I'm kinda hungry after seeing this emotional reunion."

Few days later~

With Jennie's return to the Kim mansion, the atmosphere was filled with an undeniable sense of joy and wholeness. Her laughter and presence breathed new life into the home that had weathered so many storms. But as the days passed, Taehyung couldn't help but notice an unfamiliar sensation welling up within him whenever he was around Jisoo.It was a feeling he couldn't quite put into words, something that made his heart race and his thoughts wander when she was near. It was as though the friendship they had forged was evolving into something deeper, something he had not expected.One evening, as they all gathered in the living room, Jennie couldn't help but notice the way Taehyung's gaze lingered on Jisoo. She decided to playfully tease her brother, unaware of the new emotions that were blossoming within him.
Jennie grinning slyly "Taehyung, you know, that look you're giving Jisoo seems to be happening a lot these days ." Taehyung feigning innocence "What look? I don't know what you're talking about, Jennie." Jennie said teasingly making taehyung's feel a warmth in his cheeks "It's called 'love,' Tae. I can see it in your eyes." Taehyung rolled his eyes and asked her to stop teasing him Jimin joining jennie in the teasing said "Jennie might be onto something, Taehyung. Is there something you'd like to share with us?" Jungkook nodding "Yeah, don't keep us in suspense. we're your siblings, after all" Taehyung felt his cheeks growing warmer as his siblings continued to playfully tease him. They had caught onto his budding feelings for Jisoo. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at his siblings' teasing. He quickly shushed them, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.Taehyung whispered urgently "Shut up, you three idiots! What if Jisoo heard all of this?"His siblings burst into laughter, realizing that they had taken their teasing a step too far.
As the days passed, the playful teasing continued in the Kim mansion, especially between Taehyung and Jisoo. Their evolving friendship had taken on a light-hearted and humorous twist, often resulting in adorable arguments and amusing banter that had Taehyung's siblings in stitches.One day, Taehyung and Jisoo found themselves in the kitchen, each convinced that they were the better cook. As they playfully bickered about whose recipe was superior, Jennie, Jimin, and Jungkook couldn't help but eavesdrop on their amusing exchange.Taehyung with a smug grin said "My kimchi fried rice is legendary. I'm practically a chef." Jisoo rolling her eyes "Oh please, Taehyung. My spicy ramen is famous among my friends." Taehyung mimicking her tone "Spicy ramen? That's child's play. Anybody can make that." Jisoo mocking "Says the guy who once set off the fire alarm trying to make toast." Taehyung's siblings couldn't hold back their laughter as the couple exchanged witty and good-natured jabs. The kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of their culinary adventures, as well as their playful bickering. Jimin chuckled "These two are like an old married couple already." Jennie grinning ear to ear  "I've never seen Tae so competitive over kimchi fried rice." Jungkook said while laughing "It's good to see them like this. They're so adorable."Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jisoo's playful argument escalated as they both tried to outdo each other with their culinary skills. It didn't matter who won the friendly contest; what mattered was the laughter and happiness they brought to the home, filling the chapters of their lives with joy, camaraderie, and love.

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