Welcome to New York

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THE BRISK AUTUMN WEATHER WAS ENOUGH TO MAKE ANYONE CHILLY. But it felt nice, to feel the cool breeze in your hair, to hear the leaves crunch under your feet, to feel how cold the weather has turned, and to watch the leaves turn from their normal, bright green color to a more auburn one. This time of the year was always Spencer's favorite. She loved when you could cuddle up under the blankets with a nice, hot drink in your hands.

She also loved the holidays. Whether that was Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, she was really big on them. She learned that from her mom. Spencer could remember all the times when she was little, those amazing nights, where Natasha would go all out to make sure her daughter had the best day ever.

When Spencer was 8, Natasha went out and bought her a kids size costume of Steve's uniform. She loved Uncle Steve, she almost loved him just as much as she loved her mom. By Christmas time, Nat was putting aside some extra money to get her daughter whatever she wanted. But Spencer always appreciated the more little moments like baking cookies with Thor, or playing video games with Tony, and watching Christmas movies with Nat.

Those were the best times of her life. And she promised herself to always be a holiday person.

But Halloween was weeks ago, so now Spencer was focusing on Thanksgiving. Was it her favorite holiday? No. Was she a little more excited for Christmas? Definitely. But would she celebrate this holiday with her loved ones? Fuck yeah.

Spencer stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jean jacket. She wore a nice denim jean jacket, with a lightweight black hoodie underneath and her black jeans. She wore her favorite black converse, they were beat up, but they were given to her as a gift from Wanda. So she wore them 99% of the time.

Natasha walked out on the porch, holding two warm cups of coffee. She approached her 20-year-old daughter, offering a mug. Spencer gratefully took it, taking a cautious sip when she felt the mug immediately warm her hands up from the slightest touch. "Thank you, mama." The younger girl thanked, her eyes fixated on the view of the tall pine trees in front of her.

"Are you ready to see them again?" Nat asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Spencer thought for a moment, a soft smile growing on her face as she nodded.

"I can't wait, honestly." She admitted, a small shrug of her shoulders as she moved to take a seat on the bench. Spencer looked up at her mom. "I miss them so much."

"Everyone or Kate?" Nat smirked at her daughter, raising her eyebrows in suggestion, her tone playful.

"Mom!" Spencer exclaimed with a blush on her cheeks, pulling her hood up to hide her face as her mom relished in a laugh. Of course Spencer had a crush on the Bishop girl, the older girl was smart, funny, sweet, and attractive. She was Spencer's type. "That's not funny." She scolded Nat who raised one hand in defense, her other hand lifting up to sip her coffee.

"Sorry, honey." The younger woman obviously knew her mom wasn't actually sorry, but it was all jokes, and Spencer didn't mind that. She was just a little embarrassed. "Alright, let's pack everything up in the car." Nat instructed and Spencer nodded, taking care of the mugs as she went off to her bedroom, grabbing all of her suitcases.

Little backstory; Spencer and Natasha have been spending some time together at a nice cabin in the middle of Minnesota, but now, since the holidays were coming back up, it was time for them to return to their home in New York.

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Spencer watched as the scenery changed from tall trees and acres of land, to giant city buildings with roads filled with busy New Yorkers. The younger girl missed the city, and everyone in it.

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