Girls Day

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Spencer popped a blueberry in her mouth, Kate's arm around her shoulders as the two sat in kitchen with the other girls for a girls day. This was the only day of the year where they kicked the boys out to do their own thing. The boys usually always went out to some restaurant or party to have fun.

"I feel like we need music." Carol smirked, looking at Spencer who smiled eagerly. Carol reached for her phone, tossing it to the younger girl who caught it with ease.

"Yes!" Spencer cheered as she scrolled through Carol's playlist, picking one of her favorite songs to play first, right after connecting the device to the speakers nearby.

West Coast by Lana Del Rey began to play, making Spencer's mom turn to her with a groan. "Again with this song? You've played this song a thousand times already." Nat chuckled, teasing her daughter who faked offense.

"Rude, mother. You can never go wrong with Lana Del Rey." Spencer stated with a smirk, standing up as Kate watched her with a smile as the younger Romanoff went to grab one of the chocolate chip cookies Wanda made.

"Well, since we'll be here together for dinner, any ideas on what you gals want me to make?" Wanda asked, smiling as she leaned forward on the island, taking a bite out of one of the cookies.

"Ooh ooh ooh!" Kamala raised her hand excitedly, an eager smile on her face which made Spencer chuckle.

"Yes, Kam?"

"Can we maybe have your famous chicken enchiladas?" Kamala asked with a pleading face that and everyone in the room smiling.

Wanda nodded, licking her lips as she tasted the chocolate from the cookies. "Yes we can." Spencer snuck another cookie from the tray, splitting it in half to share with Kate. "Alright, how about Spencer and Kate, you guys help me with dinner."

"Alright." The girls shrugged in unison, causing them to look at each other before bursting into giggles. America smiled as she hooked arms with Kamala, both girls walking into the living room with Carol. Natasha looked at her daughter, raising a brow intimidatingly which Spencer mirrored.

They both stared at one another for a moment before slowly smiling, Nat patted her daughter's shoulder. "Don't burn yourself again."

Spencer's face dropped at her mom's teasing, sticking her tongue out as the older Romanoff made her way out the room. "THAT WAS ONE TIME!" Kate giggled before grabbing Spencer's wrist and guiding her over to the kitchen counter where Wanda stood.

"Alright, Kate you wash the raw chicken and Spencer you can grab the red peppers and wash them as well." The girls nodded their head at Wanda's instructions, getting right to work.

"Excuse me, Ms. Bishop." Spencer joked formally, slightly nudging Kate out the way of the sink so she could wash her red bell peppers.

"Oh, well, go right ahead and push me out the way." Kate faked offense as she placed a hand over her chest, trying not to smile.

"Why thank you." Spencer giggled before she shrieked when Kate grabbed her waist, forcing her out of the way of the sink and pinning her against the island behind them. "This is not what I had in mind!" Spencer chuckled as Kate held her wrists down, the peppers left in sink. "Let me wash my peppers."

"Mh." Kate thought playfully with a smirk. "No."

Spencer opened her hand, slightly shocking Kate with a small fiery spark, making the Bishop girl jump back which left the younger girl with the opportunity to rush to the sink and wash her peppers.

"I win." Spencer smiled proudly at the older girl who playfully glared at her. Kate scoffed under her breath with a smile, soon walking to stand behind Spencer.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a winner." Kate grumbled and Spencer giggled, turning around as she came face to face with the archer.

"Then that makes you the loser. My loser." Spencer winked and kissed Kate's cheek, surprising the older girl as the younger girl walked away to go help Wanda.

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