Dance Tension

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SPENCER LAID IN BED, MILO WAS CURLED UP IN HER LAP COMFORTABLY AS SHE SCROLLED ON HER COMPUTER, WINDOW SHOPPING. Milo was a beautiful bengal cat, and he was clingy, which was perfect for Spencer, considering the amount of anxiety she has. Nat thought it would be a perfect idea to get her a cat, and now she's had Milo for almost 5 years now. Along the way, the Avengers had adopted two more animals.

Goose, Nick Fury's cat, wasn't here long. He would be here for some days and then gone the next. Mostly, because he was Fury's cat, after all. Then there's Lucky, Kate and Clint's dog. Spencer was so excited to have Lucky, he's an amazing dog, and she loved him so much. But Milo was her cat.

Spencer heard a soft knock on her door, making her reach over to press a small button. "Who is it?" She asked into the mic.

"Uh, hey, it's Kate."

A smile immediately painted itself on Spencer's face, she didn't say anything, she just buzzed Kate in. As soon as Kate heard the buzz, she turned the handle and opened the door, her eyes rapidly settling on Spencer's form. "Hey." The archer smiled, nodding to the younger girl.

"Hi." Spencer smiled back, her hand scratching behind Milo's ear. As soon as Kate sat down next to her, the bengal cat moved out of her lap and onto the Bishop girl's, rubbing his head along her arm, trying to get her to pet him. "I think he likes you more than me."

"Maybe." Kate chuckled, fosucinf her attention on the cat in her lap as she used both hands to cup his face, her thumbs scratching behind Milo's ear which made him purr loudly. "Yes." The archer did a double take that made both girls laugh, as Spencer rested her head on Kate's shoulder, the latter feeling her heart race a million times more faster at Spencer's actions.

"As much as I love having you here..." Spencer trailed off, lifting Milo up from Kate's lap and setting him outside her door to wander the building or for Wanda to feed him. "But why are you here? Was there something you needed."

"Oh, Tony's having a party tonight, per usual, and I wanted to know if you would like to go. With me. Together." Kate fiddled with her thumbs, looking up at her best friend with a shy smile, hoping she'd get what she was hinting to.

But, Spencer being the oblivious person she is, she didn't get it and just nodded, thinking they were going as best friends. "Of course, it'll be fun." The younger girl smiled and Kate frowned slightly when she realized the Romanoff girl didn't pick up on it. But she waved it off, standing up with a small smile.

"Cool. I'll give you time to get ready and I'll pick you up in an hour, sound good?" Kate opened the door, looking over her shoulder at the shorter girl who rummaged through her clothes.

"OKAY! BYE!" Spencer yelled which made the archer laugh softly, before shaking her head and leaving the room, closing it gently. She rested her back against the door, leaning her head back with a look of slight frustration on her face as she sighed.

"Damn it." Kate cursed as she ran a hand through her hair before leaving to get to her room.

< ———— >

Tony's party never failed to disappoint Spencer. They were always better than any high school party she's been to. Her mom always managed the bar and Wanda handled the food. Spencer had her arm hooked with Kate's, who wore a long sleeve black shirt with skinny denim jeans and combat boots. Meanwhile, Spencer was wearing her typical crop top with a pencil skirt, and her converse because there was no way she was wearing heels to this party.

What was she going to do? Suffer? No.

Spencer excitedly led Kate over to the bar, sitting on the stool as Nat turned around, facing her daughter and the archer. "Hey, sweetie, Kate, how are you guys?"

"We're great, mom." The youngest girl answered, Kate smiling down at her as she leaned on the counter.

"What's on the menu, Nat?" Kate soon asked, making Natasha smile as she turned around, preparing a drink for the black-haired girl.

"Can I have one?" Spencer asked and both girls turned to her.

"No." They said in unison.

"You're underaged, I'm not giving my daughter alcohol unless she's 21." Natasha further explained, giving her daughter a stern expression while Kate smirked, knowing that Spencer was just going pout and complain to her all night about how she was the only one of the two who can legally drink.

"Whatever." Spencer rolled her eyes but her mom just laughed, shaking her head and sliding Kate her drink.

"Whew." Kate grimaced, swallowing the burning alcohol. "I can't take tequila shots for the life of me." She chuckled as Spencer dragged her away, moving to go see Peter and Mj.

"Hey, girls." Peter waved with a smile, watching as his girlfriend hugged the pair who approached them. "How are you?"

"Doing well." Kate smiled, pulling from Mj's hug to do her signature handshake with Peter. Ned appeared behind them, popping his head out from behind the spider boy.

"Too bad we can't have alcohol." He pouted and Spencer pointed to him in agreement, rolling her eyes again.

"Aye, some day, man." Peter bargained and Ned seemed satisfied with that and soon the young trio were off on their own, leaving Kate and Spencer to themselves.

"Wanna dance?" Spencer asked, holding her hand out for the archer.

Kate immediately shook her head, her eyes wide with panic. "What? No, no, no, I'm not a dancer. I can't dance, Spence."

"Oh, come on, it's not too hard. Just follow me." Spencer insisted and ignored the string of complaints leaving Kate's mouth as she dragged the older girl to the dance floor, putting her hands around her neck. "Put your hands on my hips." Kate did as she was told. "Come a little closer, and feel the beat. Move to it. Just be natural." Spencer explained and started swaying her hips a little, having Kate warm up to it first.

Kate used her hands as stability to move the younger girl's hips, moving her own body to the beat soon enough. She could feel the rhythm in her feet as she moved back and forth slightly, which made Spencer smile as the archer took complete control.

The music wasn't slow, but it wasn't too upbeat to west they couldn't dance at a slower pace. Kate remembered what Clint had said to her a while back and she took Spencer's hand, giving her a little spin which made the latter giggle, before dipping her. Spencer smiled in surprise, her hands glued to Kate's shoulders as they stared into each others eyes. Their lips were a mere inch apart, but the music stopped and they pulled away from each other, Kate letting out a awkward sigh.

"Who wants to play Uno?!" Thor yelled into the microphone up at the DJ booth, an excited smile toying on his lips as he rushed down, feeling like a kid on Christmas, to go get the card game.

"I guess we should go play then." Spencer said, glancing at Kate who was staring at the ceiling, her hands tucked in her pant pockets. Her palms were sweaty and she could feel her heart racing uncontrollably.

Kate just looked at Spencer, giving her a nod with made the latter furrow her brows in worry, giving Kate one last look before leaving off to the table Thor was playing at. Kate took a moment to think, recollecting herself as she took a deep breath and finally, she was walking towards the table as well.

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