The Young Avengers

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ONE, TWO, THREE SHOTS WERE FIRED. The noise blazing through Spencer's ears as she desperately tried finding the source. She leaped over cars, climbing her way through rubble and destruction as she made her way through the crumbling building.

She saw the shooter, his body was big and he wore his Hydra uniform, a rifle in his hands that was soon aimed to Spencer. Just as he pulled the trigger, she jumped, forming a fireball midair and once her feet were on the ground again, it was launched at him. He was thrown back, crashing into a pole, falling to the ground with a groan.

He got up, but Spencer could notice the pain he was in. She suddenly heard the scream of a child, coming from under the wreckage. Her eyes and ears were alert as she ran up to the soldier, leg sweeping him with an uppercut that would stun him for a moment. Spencer rushed over to the little girl, who's leg was trapped under a giant rock. She used all the strength she could to lift it up, allowing the girl to wiggle free.

Pained grunts left the Romanoff girl's mouth as she dropped, seeing that the girl was free. She scooped the child in her arms, taking her mask off and putting it on her, not wanting her to get any debris in her lungs. Spencer decided to get the child out first before going after the soldier, so she sprinted. Holding the little girl close to her chest as she dug her way through the damaged building but she was too late.

A shot was fired straight at her, effectively hitting the child in her leg and Spencer dropped to her knees. "Goddamn it!" She yelled as she set the kid down, a frustrated look on her face.

"Spencer, we're pulling you out of the simulator now." Tony spoke, the sound going through Spencer's head as she reluctantly left the virtual reality world.

Spencer took the helmet off, setting it on the table as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The young Avengers were looking at her in amazement. "How did you do that?!" America asked excitedly, jumping up and down.

The scowl on Spencer's face remained, frustratedly throwing her gloves down on the ground. "Do what? Let the child die? That's not exciting, Chavez." She scoffed and Kate frowned at the harsh tone she used on the 15 year old. America frowned as well, backing up until her back hit Kate's front, the archer wrapping her arms around her to make her feel better.

Spencer noticed this and signed to herself, running a hand through her hair. "Sorry, Am. I'm just a little frustrated." She gave her a tight lipped smile that made America give her sympathetic eyes.

Peter jumped in. "Mr. Stark? Can I try?" He asked, waving his hand in the air like an excited kindergartener who couldn't wait to answer a question.

"Maybe tomorrow, Pete." Tony sighed, patting his shoulder. "I have mission with Steve and Nat today, so you guys will be stuck with the rest of the Avengers. Stay out of trouble, you hear me?" Tony then looked at Spencer after the rest of them gave the man a nod. "If you do anything stupid, your mom will kill me. Why? I have no clue."

"She's just protective." Spencer muttered as she crossed her arms. Tony ignored her statement, continuing on.

"And please eat whatever Wanda makes, she says we're on a budget for food and we can't have whatever we want. Unless you have your own job, then you can buy whatever food you want." Tony shrugged and gave them one last appointed look before exiting the training room.

Yelena looked at Kate. "So, Kate Bishop, think you can beat me in Call of Duty?" She challenged with a smirk.

Kate chuckled. "Oh, you're on." They stared at each other before booking it to the door, racing each other to their rooms. Spencer rolled her eyes, shaking her head at their childish behavior (although Kate made it look cute).

"Well, I am off to go do some shopping. In my bedroom. Online. See ya." Spencer waved, giving the rest of the team a smile before kissing the top of America's head, and disappearing out of the training room.

< ———— >

Kate laid in Spencer's bed, legs spread out as she was slumped against the pillows, flipping through the other girl's magazines with a bored expression on her face. After losing multiple times to Yelena, she decided to pay a visit to her favorite person, who told her she could hang out on her bed while she reorganized her closet.

At first it was fine, but now Kate was bored.

"Can we go do something?" Kate whined, throwing her head back against the pillows as she heard Spencer chuckle softly. "I'm serious, I'm so bored, Spence."

"Okay, you big baby." Spencer gave in with a sigh, turning around to see Kate now sat straight up with excitement swirling in her eyes. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." Kate shrugged but her excitement never faltered. She was just happy to do anything with Spencer.

"Okay." Spencer chuckled again, shaking her head as she sat on the edge of the bed next to the archer, a thoughtful look on her face. "How about we go get something to eat first?"

"Yes!" Kate cheered and rushed out of bed, dragging Spencer to the kitchen which made the Romanoff girl laugh at the archer's beaming attitude. "Oh my god, Wanda made cookies." She gasped and showed Spencer excitedly, making the latter smile as they both grabbed two cookies each, walking back to Spencer's room.

"I will always love Wanda's food." Spencer munched on her cookie, resting her back against Kate's front as they laid in the Romanoff girl's bed. Kate nodded in agreement. "She's an amazing cook."

"She is." Said Kate, her mouth stuffed with food which made Spencer laugh.

"I'm tired." Yawned Spencer, turning over to lay on top of the archer now, burying her face cutely in Kate's chest, who blushed deeply at the contact. "Goodnight. I'm staying here, you're just too comfy."

"Mm okay, Spence." Kate smiled, running her hand through Spencer's hair, watching the younger girl fall asleep on top of her. "Goodnight, pretty girl." The archer soon whispered, kissing Spencer's forehead sweetly before pulling her closer to her chest with a warm feeling in her heart.

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