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They stepped through the door, the young guard holding it open for Felix. As his eyes adjust to the harsh lighting, they’re already beelining towards what could’ve been reception had this been a normal building. Instead, another bored-looking guard sat behind a strong wooden desk, typing something on an outdated computer.

“Jongho, search him.”

Felix’s eyes snapped up at the familiar name — this was the man Minho told him to look for. The one on their side.

The man at the desk stood up, stretching, and walked over to Felix. “Your phone.”

Felix handed it over.

Jongho was some 10 centimeters taller than him, and more than a few broader. His hands were brisk and unlingering, skimming over Felix and tracing the dips in his body. They pause on his waist, moving slower over his hip, obviously feeling the concealed weapon.

“He’s clear.” His voice is clear and firm.

Felix lets out a small breath of relief, barely noticeable. Jongho catches it though, brown eyes flickering up to look at him. He doesn’t comment on it, doesn’t give Felix away.

Not for the first time, Felix is impressed with the vast network of the resistance movement.

“Metal detector?” The man who brought him asks.

Jongho shakes his head. “Jewelry will set it off.” He motions to Felix’s ears, the ring on his finger, the necklace clasped around his neck.

The guard nods, taking his black cap off to run a hand through his hair. Apparently, asking a superior to take off his jewelry was deemed too brazen.

Felix walked into the prison unchecked, Jongho’s hand clapping his back lightly in silent support.

It was cold. A stale smell hung in the air, like the door hadn't been opened in a while. There were no windows, just artificial light bouncing off the off-white walls.

“Maximum security is our number one priority.” The guard tells him, as if that excuses the poor state of the hall they found themselves in.

“I’m sure it is.”

“Right this way, please.”

They duck through a doorframe into what seems to be a stairwell.

“Our rebel prisoners are kept down here.”

Not all, apparently. Felix thinks, mind flickering over to Hyunjin. He forced those thoughts away, clearing his mind to a perfect blank again.

“Second cell on the right.”

Choi San was not in his cell. The corner of Felix’s mouth twitched up, before he schooled his face. “Maximum security, you say?” He asks, boot kicking at the open door. “How tragic.”

The guard paled, grabbing for his walkie talkie. His movements were rushed and clumsy, his voice shaky as he reported the missing man.

Felix made sure to stay within his line of sight, an impatient expression on his face. “Well?” He asked once the guard turned back to him.

“We’re looking for him, sir. I don’t know how this happened, but I assure you—”

“Empty words.” Felix said, his voice dipping down a little. The cold edge made the guard take a step back.


He almost felt bad for him. “Give me your radio. I need to make a call.”

The guard hesitated.

“Now.” Hyunjin had once said his voice cut when he wanted it to, sharp and leaving scars. Felix didn’t believe him then, but he believes him now. The guard flinched back, handing over the radio.

Feeling for the sharpest ‘charm’ on his bracelet, Felix cut a small wire, silencing the static. Cutting off contact.

The guard’s eyes grew wide. His face, handsome before, grew as pale as a corpse, twisting with fear.


“Hands where I can see them.” His hand fell to the gun holster strapped to his hip.

Gulping, the shaky hands were raised.


The man obeyed, shedding his uniform, piece by piece, until only his underclothing was left.

“Step into the cell.” There was an odd calmness that settled over him, the commands coming steady and easy. “Hands in front of you.”

Picking up a pair of handcuffs, Felix walked closer, a gentle smile on his face. “Good boy.” He cooed, clicking the cuffs shut.

The guard shook a little, unnerved by him. “Who are you?” He asks, trying to appear brave despite his shaking legs that were threatening to give out. Apparently, the poor guy had never been on the other side of the bars before.

Felix clicks the cell door shut, picking up the guard’s uniform. “Does it matter?” he asks with a shrug.

Someone steps out of the only shadows in the hallway. “Justice.” The voice is deep, and pleasant.

“San-ssi, I presume?” Felix asks, handing him the guard’s clothing.

“One and only.” San answers, flashing him a dimpled smile. “You’re the little star?”

Felix nods, helping the elder man change into the black clothes quicker.

“Cool.” San says, buttoning the shirt. “I’ve always wondered if there were others.”

Felix wanted to ask him what he meant, but there were footsteps coming down the stairs, and San clipped the ID into place, schooling his expression into something blank and uninterested.

Felix, too, fell back into his role.

“Everything okay here?” The newcomer asks, eyeing the two of them. “The radio cut out.”

San shrugged, and Felix’s eyes couldn’t help but widen as he took the man in for the first time. How was it possible for someone to look like that? The shirt was loose around his waist, tight over his broad shoulders, riding up to show the tanned skin of his abdomen. He almost didn’t seem real.

“Alright. I’ll check on Jongho.” As the footsteps fade away, San arches an eyebrow.

“Like what you see?” He asked, with some humor.

Felix snorted. “You’re built like an upside down triangle, man.”

San snorts too, looking away for a moment not to burst into loud laughter. “I know someone you’re going to get along with really well.” He says once the danger of the giggling fit subsided.

“Who?” Felix asks as they set off down the hall, in the direction of the next cell.

“My boyfriend.” San answers easily, running his hands over the PIN keypad of the next door. “He’s an absolute menace.”

“Did you just assume I’m a menace?”

“No.” San flashes his dimples again, the door unlocking. “But I think you could be.”

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