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Amaterasu: Hello, everyone! This is Amaterasu No Mangaka. I want to share something about myself. I have this unique talent where a picture or even a phrase can inspire me to create a story. The story that I am about to present is not the next part of Cat & Canary, but a separate one. It originated from a Tumblr ask by Draybso, which was about Werewolf Hermione and Veela Fleur. I could not resist the urge to create this story while I was scripting Cat & Canary. I hope you enjoy reading it. I have a special fondness for wolves, werewolves, and lycans, which you may know if you have been around me for a while. And, Draybso, if you are reading this, I hope to see more of your Veela-Louve Artwork soon. Before starting, I would like to know:

Should There Be Bashing and, if so, for whom?

How rich should Hermione be? Cat & Canary Rich/More/Less?

Should Hermione talk while in Wolf Form?

Now, let the words weave together!!!

Veela - Louve [A Fleurmione Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now