One: Howling Dreams

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Amaterasu: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first official chapter of Veela-Louve! Considering the responses from the previous chapter, this is what we have so far:

In regards to Bashing: My Friend - SilverSnake2006 - has a personal dislike for Ronald Weasley; I do as well. Therefore, there shall be Molly Weasley Bashing, and Ronald Weasley Bashing, with a hint of Harry Bashing but he shall have the chance to redeem himself. As for Headmaster Dumbledore, I was requested to make him a good guy by senju2 and I have decided to go along with that.

In regards to Hermione's Wealth: Nickiepie345 suggested that Hermione be as rich as she was in the Cat & Canary Book and I just love having her richer than the Malfoy Family - just so she can rub it in that ferret's face.

In regards to whether Hermione should speak as a Werewolf: Wolfm00n0 and drabsyo proposed the idea of Hermione having a Telepathic Speech Link to communicate with both werewolves and humans. In contrast, Fleur has a unique mental connection with Hermione that is completely private and cannot be disrupted or penetrated by anyone else.

Amaterasu: In addition, someone suggested making Hermione a G!P character and I am considering it for when she unlocks her family's magic. Although I cannot promise anything, I may attempt to include some smut in this book if the opportunity arises. Now, let's begin the first chapter and let the words weave together!


[Realm of Dreams - Hermione's Point of View - Granger Household - Hermione's Room]

'The same dream again.' As Hermione walked through a valley of forest trees, she thought deeply. This was a recurring dream she had been experiencing for the past few weeks, but she couldn't decipher its meaning as she was constantly busy studying in Hogwarts' Halls. Today, she was back in her bedroom at her family's home, with her parents, Monica and Waylon Granger, in their room across the hall. After a lovely dinner, Hermione retreated to her room, put her phone on the charger, hid her wand under her pillow, and drifted off to sleep. She hoped that tonight would be the night when she would finally find out what was at the end of this valley of trees, and why she kept returning there.

Hermione's brown eyes took in the sights of the trees that surrounded her, the lush green grass under her bare feet, and the small cracks in the sea of leaves above her that allowed small rays of sunlight to seep into the shade of the valley of trees and hit the grass; painting it with some kind of spots of light. Hermione gazed upon the blinding light at the end of the shady valley, she had never been able to reach it before and she knew whatever the meaning of this dream was hidden in the light ahead. Hermione clenched her fists and walked along the soft grass, feeling the brief rays of light warm her skin through her clothes as she continued to the light; she was halfway there when she heard it - another recurring happening in this dream.


The Symphony of the Wolves.

It was faint as if the creatures were at a distance but knew of her presence in this forest - they wanted her to know they were aware of her but they were not going to show themselves; they never did until their howling had reached its' crescendo. Hermione looked around for any sign of fur or glowing eyes in the darkness of the tree's cracks but neither materialized - Hermione was still alone but at the same time, she was not. The wolves wanted her to know they were there. They wanted her to know that she was not alone, however, Hermione was uncertain of their intentions: Did they mean to harm or aid her? She wasn't sure because she couldn't understand the purpose of their song. However, she couldn't allow that to deter her - she was close to the light and she needed to find out what was waiting for her in its basking light.

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