Chapter 11

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"Who is he? And what is the witch still doing here?" Taehyung asks as he looks at the two men in Namjoon's apartment.

"The pale man is a vampire named Yoongi. The witch is still here because he can help us. I agree with you that it is safer to send those two away, but Jimin hates his ancestor." Namjoon explains as Taehyung glares at Jimin.

"Why do you hate your ancestor?" Taehyung asks as he warily watches the witch.

"She killed my mother in front of me, then had my coven throw me to the starving vampires Namjoon hyung saved me from," Jimin explains as he looks into Taehyung's eyes.

"Do not try to access my memories," Taehyung growls when he feels Jimin probing around his mind.

"Your little brother is fiery," Jimin mutters and stops trying to read Taehyung's memories.

"Why is the small vampire here?" Taehyung asks as he looks at Yoongi.

"He usually hunts with me," Namjoon responds and gently places his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Why is the witch scared of me but not him?" Taehyung scoffs when he sees how close Jimin is sitting to Yoongi.

"First, you choked him before letting him introduce himself. Second, they are lovers." Namjoon chuckles while Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise.

"You two are lovers?" Taehyung asks as he looks at the vampire and witch.

"We are. Do you have a problem with that?" The witch asks with a glare as he holds his lover's hand.

"Nope. Not my place to say anything." Taehyung hums and observes the smaller vampire.

"Yoongi was born to a cloud," Namjoon explains to Taehyung.

"Oh, okay." Taehyung nods and continues to stare at the vampire.

"Is this your first time meeting another vampire?" Namjoon softly asks when he notices that Taehyung is still staring at Yoongi.

"Yeah." Taehyung mumbles and averts his gaze from the smaller vampire.

"He is older than you. Yoongi is fifty years old. I'll let him tell you whatever he is comfortable with." Namjoon hums and pats Taehyung's shoulder.

"Was your cloud killed by hunters or something?" Yoongi asks as he looks up at Taehyung for the first time.

"No. I was born to humans." Taehyung mutters and awkwardly shifts under the older vampire's gaze.

"You made a deal with the devil. That is very rare." Yoongi hums as he observes the younger vampire. "Why?"

"To protect him." Taehyung sighs and looks out of the window beside the bed.

"From my ancestor. Why is my ancestor after you and your lover?" Jimin asks as he looks into Taehyung's sorrow-filled eyes.

"In a past life, he killed her mother after the kingdom she lived in killed his people. He was filled with rage, so he paid back what they did to his people. She cursed him. She would find him in every life and kill him. In the last life, I cursed her and told her that her mother's reincarnation would die gruesomely. Now, her rage is turned toward me. She has been hunting me for a while. She almost got both of us the other day." Taehyung explains as he remembers the sharp tapping on his apartment door.

"That's why you panicked when you met me. She is close to killing you two again." Jimin hums in understanding.

"I will not let her kill him in this life. He will live happily." Taehyung whispers as a tear trickles down his face.

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