Episode 4

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"Hello folks ,I'm Chris McClean and I am your host for total drama! Lat episode nobody was voted off but will anyone survive this round? Keep on watching to find out!"

Into starts:
It shows the camera going up the hill and into the water. Then it shows Bowie and Julia fighting like children, then it moves on and shows us wayne and Raj cheering on zee as he chugs his soda. Then the camera changes and shows Emma fawning over Caleb, with an iratable chase in the background. Then it changes to night and we see Priya and Damien laughing and talking in the background, with Millie side eying them. Then it cuts to scary girl chasing ripper. Then it finishes off with them all sitting logs and Chris and Chef holding the plate of marshmallows.
Intro finishes

Bowie was glaring at Julia.


Ugh I can't believe she was telling the truth about liking Wayne the best. But hey maybe Wayne likes Raj and Julia equally or maybe just got mixed up between the two. But I wish he came and sat with us. I've never seen Raj so sad.


So I might've bribed mk to hack it to say I like Wayne the best. I mean I kinda do, but not I like I'm in love with him kind of way, no no. MK PLEASE CAN YOU DELETE THIS!

Scary girl sat next to Priya.
"HI!" She said loudly
"Oh umm hey scary girl- I mean Lauren. Why are you sitting here?" Priya asked.
"Because you looked depressed because Damien isn't sitting with you" scary replied.
"Oh oh yes!" Priya said. "You ummm don't have any knives on you,do you?"
"No. Chris took them" scary girl grumbled.
"You want to kill him don't you" Priya smiled.
Scary girl nodded. "Hey, can I borrow your spoon?!"
"Sure?" Priya handed her the spoon.
"Yay! Now I'll find out what Millie told Damien for you, bestie!" Scary girl sung, hopping away.


Who knew she could be so...nice? In a scary way.

Chris gathered everyone together.

"Today we will be facing your greatest fears." Chris said.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't have fears" said Julia, flicking her hair.

Chris rolled his eyes. "That's just part one of the challenge. Part two is to see who can stay awake the longest. And I know that there's a lot of you so we are bringing our gooda friend Courtney back!

Courtney stepped out. "Chris I'm sorry but this is illegal. So I'll be-" Chris interrupted her. "La la la la! No one wants to listen to you and your stupid law stuff."

I mean I wouldn't mind listening. Even though we've already met before. Yes I've met everyone who's been on the show before.

Chef took ripper and locked him in a room.

"AHHHHH! SPIDERS!". Was heard from the inside.

"Yep, this is illegal" said Courtney. "Now who do I have to lock in a room again."
Chris pointed at Zee and then Damien.
"I'm going to loose my job as a lawyer for this" Courtney complained.
"Just pretend they are Gwen when she kissed Duncan." Suggested chef.
Courtney pushed them into room.


I'm so glad Gwen kissed Duncan. I've realised I'm lesbian because of that, and I'm dating someone who I really like

When everyone was either locked into a room or with someone, every fear was unleashed.

Wayne and Raj were being forced to play against each other with Bowie and Julia having to sit directly next to each other.

"Eww, why would you wear that make up." Julia pointed to Bowie's lipstick.
"At least I'm not the one who has to put on 20 pounds of make up per day to hide the awful plastic surgery" Bowie retorted back.

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