the first night back

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"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Welcome to the old and the new students." Dumbledore says confidently as he scans the room. "Before we start our sorting ceremony... Allow myself to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." We all look over to a older, short woman covered in pink who is giggling to herself.

"Now I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her a good luck this year." He smiles.

"Now as usual protocol, our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you-"

Dumbledore is cut off abruptly by Professor Umbridge coughing and standing up.

I look around the Gryffindor table confused, "What's going on?" I say whispering.

Other whispers fill the room as Umbridge continues walking towards Dumbledores podium.

"Thank you Dumbledore for those kind, welcoming words..." she says pushing him nonchalantly out of the way. "How lovely is it to see your bright, happy faces here today, I'm sure we will all get along very well!"

All I can think about is damn is this woman a bitch. Sad you can tell just from being in her presence for not even 10 minutes. Her overly nice attitude makes us all a little uneasy.

Umbridge finishes her fake ass speech and the sorting ceremony begins.

This is my favorite part of each year.

I love seeing the nervous and giddy children all ready to start their life at Hogwarts. It's the cutest thing.

I remember my first day here.


"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore yells the second the sorting ceremony ended.

An array of food appears on the table. I forgot how much I missed home cooked meals.

I place an abundance of food on my plate as my stomach rumbles.

I feel a shoulder bump into me, "Who knew such a small girl could eat so much," Harry says with wide eyes, "might want to slow down." He laughs.

I roll my eyes at him, he doesn't know that I haven't ate a real meal since the last time I was at this table.

"I'm with Ellie mate, that's a good plate of food right there!" Ron says pointing at my plate from across the table. His plate matches mine.

I giggle, "This is how champs do it," I say high-fiving Ron. I dive into my food, starting at my large piece of chicken.

I notice Hermione staring down the table giving off a weird look.

I look over to see what she's eyeing and I spot Dean Thomas who is running down to us and pops his head in between me and Harry, whispering, "Party in Ravenclaw's common room, 8 pm tonight," he smiles, "spread the word!" He's off in two seconds to talk to others.

Hermione and Ron look at us confused, "What was that about?" Hermione asks leaning over to hear us better.

I shrug, "Dean just said there's a Ravenclaw party tonight."

"Well we have to go!" Hermione says excitedly. The boys mumble, agreeing with her, leaving me to be the only one without a response.

"Are you up for it?" Harry asks me putting an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

I smile at his gesture and think for a moment. "Sure... I'll go."

"This is going to be so much fun!" Hermione squeals.


I huff laying on my floor that's covered in clothes, "I have nothing to wear!"

My Chosen One ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now